Chapter 3

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Me and my friend met up at the bath and we fix our make up I put some EOS on my lips we then leave in go into my Range Rover and drive off to Chuck. E. Cheese's.

We walk in and it's like everybody stopped what they were doing in looked at us I just blush because even though I'm use to the attention it still makes me feel self-conscious what bad bitches has insecurities they may act like they don't but they do shit I may feel like I'm the shit some times but I still have flaws that I'm insecure about.

But I'm not worried about my body my boobs are big and my ass is fat so I'm good in all those places but shit I'm a virgin and at the moment I'm staying like that now my friend is all freely with her shit but not me I rather save mines for someone special.

My friend is far from a virgin that I know of if you think I'm calling my friend a slut then I guess that's what it is. My friend Audrey is not afraid to flaunt her tits and ass out but me I'm not that loosely with the shit see my friend is the type of woman to go to the club with me but leave me for some random guy but then there always some juicy story to top that all off which half of her stories are funny as hell.

When everyone goes about they business yet again we pay and start playing games acting the damn nut I laugh when I see my friend dancing with Chuck. E I shake my head my friend be acting the damn nut some times and that's why I love her.

When I first met her I was shy and she was very ghetto i shake my head at the memory.

She intimidated me so kinda shy away but she wasn't the type to be so harsh with the way I was acting towards her we both went to private schools during elementary and middle school and during high school we were in public school she got pregnant and had an abortion I was there when it happened she didn't wanna give it up but at the moment her boyfriend didn't want no part of her or the baby life.

I remember it as if it was yesterday and trust at that moment the tears that flowed from her face could make a river I held her as she cried but see the moment I met her so called "boyfriend" I knew he was trouble she didn't listen to me and she ended up at my house for a whole week because of the break up.

And so the next day we went to the clinic I went there for moral support and so from that day I seen her take the pills and her lay there with her head on my lap and cry while I ran my fingers through her hair I felt bad for her because she wanted the baby but because of him she was to give it up he actually paid for her to get rid of it and so a week after he called her wanting to get back with her and you know what she did just guess yup she went back out with him.

And literally from that day forward they were together at every moment giving I'm just happy that I had this moment with her alone

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