Chapter 9

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Emma POV

I wake up and stretch I look over and smile seeing Marcus sleep I then get and go downstairs but stop when I see somebody and the kitchen she jumps startled umm who is this woman I guess she notices my confused expression because she says I'm Mr. Christian housemaid she says in I nod in sit on the stood looking at her cook and I start to drool because the food she's making looks good.

I jump when I feel someone kiss my cheek I blush and see the housemaid smile at me I blush a deeper red and Marcus chuckle at my embarrassment and I glare at him and he bust out laughing and I can't help but laugh he's laugh is contagious and hearing him laugh just makes me laugh I wanna live like this laughing and having a good time with him it feels different but I like it and I can tell he does too.

Marcus: I was wondering do you wanna go out later tonight

Emma: yea after I get off work around 11:00

Marcus: when time you have to be there

Emma: around 6:30

I look at the time it's 10:30 in the morning so I still have time

Marcus: so what you gonna be doing before you going you go to work

Emma: going to the gym

Marcus: oh ok

When she put the food down we eat and have a casual conversation and I'm starting to growing attached even though I barely know him I feel like I known him forever.


I left he's house an hour ago and went to the gym I love fitness and to keep myself for not everyday but sometimes I go to the gym to work out.

I go the stairs to the treadmill and put in my music and start running on the treadmill at 80 and I'm getting it people looking at me my hair flowing and I'm feeling the run on the treadmill after 45 minutes running on the treadmill I stop and work out on my abs and muscles then me and my friend play basketball in I win after a good 5 hours in the gym I go home in take a shower I have 20 minutes to leave for work.

I put my uniform on and put my hair and a ponytail and get my phone and keys and leave the house.

I get in the car and my phone rings

Emma: hello

Marcus: hey Wyd

Emma: heading off to work

I put the key and the ignition and back out the driveway and drive off

Marcus: ok so we still going on our date today

Emma: yes we is

I smile

Marcus: ok can't wait see you later

Emma: ok bye

I hang up and smile as I drive down the highway going 85 mph dancing to my favorite song I get to work in get started on my day

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