Chapter 4

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But as you can see that moment didn't last forever because just 20 minutes into everything she left with him I shake my head and got up I never got along with her boyfriend because he was always a womanizer and he's to dumb to notice how he would flirt with me and most of her friends I shake my head and go to the car

~Later that day~

I wake up from my alarm clock and get ready for a night at work now I work at Olive Garden as a host and I love my job I meet new people everyday and it's always refreshing now I make more then the average person because the boss likes me now not like a friend but as something more but I never seen it as ok to date someone from my job so when he would ask me out I would always say no it's a normal routine we have.

I put on my uniform which consists of black pants and white button down shirt and the black vest now I put my hair and a pony tail and get my keys and leave out the door.

The reason why I have not Brought anything with expect my keys is because my shit ain't going to get stolen I paid too much for that shit so when I go to work I just bring me my phone and keys I always keep my phone with me because I don't trust no one

11:30 that night

I get off work and boy I'm I exhausted all I wanna do is get home take a long hot bath and sleep my nigga fuck the rest of the unnecessary shit I don't wanna go party and I don't want company over so I'm pretty much ok with my plans I got for myself.

I get in the car and put the key in the ignition and drive now usually I would work until 10:30 but because someone was sick I had to fill in I work from 5:30 to 10:30 but I like working and like I said I get paid a lot more then my co workers do.

I get home and take my shoes off take my hair down and put my keys on its hook and I go upstairs and take my clothes off and put it in the hamper for the dirty clothes I then go run the bath water and go into my closet and get out my purple night gown and my robe I then get me my favorite Betty bop slippers and get in the tub.

I turn on some music and lay back in the tub for a good 30 minutes I then get out and put on my see though night gown and my robe I slip on my Betty bop slippers and leave out the bathroom.

I check on my school website and see what homework I need to do and so for the next 5 hours I do my assignments.

By the time I'm done it is 5:30 I roll my eyes guess I'm not going to school today I then get into a comfortable position in bed and drift off into a deep sleep.

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