Chapter 8

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Marcus POV

I lay there with her and my arms and I feel like I can be like this forever with her and my bed and in my arms forever wtf am I saying I snap out of it and put her down on my bed that is not something you usually do my Subconscience snarls I roll my eyes I know it's not what I usually do but I want her in my bed and my arms I look over at her I can tell she's not the gold digging type she's the type that works for what she wants in I love that about a woman even though I haven't dated a woman like her and years most of the women I dated were gold diggers that wanted sex and money which is something I never hesitated to do or to give because why have money if you can't spend it.

I lay behind Emma with her snuggled up under me now i figured out myself that I don't mind her snuggling with me it makes me feel cherished It makes me feel wanted which I never felt before I think to when I was a child.

We was broke and barely had any food in the house because my dad was a dead beat and my mom was a drug addict who spent most of all the money my dad gave us for drugs she did heroine, cocaine, crystal meth all types of drugs and she made money by being a prostitute and like I said she spent the money on drugs so at a young age I had to man up and pay the bills get food in the house at age 15 I had to work in order to pay for things I wanted now I am a C.E.O of my own company and my parents don't have worry about nothing my mom is clean and my dad is a drug lord famous and rich himself and he wanted me to takeover he's empire but I wanted to do my own thing build my own empire now that I have all I want is someone to share it with.

I look at Emma and run my hands though her hair I never felt this way about anybody well I did once but that was an awful experience and that's why I haven't dated since then but with Emma maybe it can work I lay and bed and drift off to sleep

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