3. Basic Combat

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  The next few weeks of training were awful. But, the hardships made everyone bond closely. After 12 weeks everyone (those who remained, at least) could really physically feel much stronger. They had started with basic fighting techniques and learning things about titans themselves and how the regiments work.

Levi and Erwin had showed up once more, during basic combat training, which turned out to be a pretty interesting day...

Bam. Another one down. (y/n) was on fire. There was not a single cadet that stood a chance against her when it came to basic combat. Mikasa came close, but after a particularly long fight, (y/n) managed to even keep her down. She wanted to face Annie Leonhart, but she had skipped out on basic combat.

Everyone was huddled around her to see if anyone was up for the challenge that was (y/n). Apparently no one dared anymore.

"She's aced it! I don't see how anyone could beat her..." Jean said.

Unexpectedly, Levi made a 'tch' sound, causing (y/n) to turn around and face him, smirking heavily.

"Think you got a chance, big shot?" she challenged.

The crowd's reaction to what she just said was hilarious.

"Did she-, did she just say that? T- to him? That is literally humanities' strongest soldier!"

Levi was surprised, most people would never think of addressing him like that, but then again, (y/n) was 'one of a kind'... One hell of a brat..

"I think it's time to teach you some manners, Miss (l/n), and nothing instills discipline better than pain. In my opinion, at least." Levi said, his face calm, and his eyes looking a little less bored than before.

"Please, mister Ackerman, teach me." she said, and bowed gracefully.

Shit... Was this a mistake? She suddenly thought, panicking a little. 'Discipline by pain'? I've heard stories about this guy...

Eren marked the start of the combat.

Within no-time (y/n) was lying on her back in the dirt, staring up at Levi's face, whose eyes looked triumphant, but mouth was kept purposely straight.

"...You got lucky." she mumbled. Levi huffed.

Levi pulled her up from the ground, and as they held hands, only for a short moment, she felt a surge of excitement, so much that it almost frightened her.

Her back was all dusty from the ground, and Jean thought it would be funny to smack her ass as if to help her dust herself off. She roundhouse-kicked him in the head straight after, but she could have a good laugh about it. After all, they had all known each other for multiple months now.

Later that evening, (y/n) made the bold decision to sit with Erwin and Levi at dinner. Luckily, Erwin was more than pleased, and Levi seemed fine with it too, since they talked about the scouting regiment for the entirety of the meal. Levi was a little less talkative than Erwin, but not in a rude way.

They had already stayed one night and were heading back to the scouting headquarters that night right after dinner. (y/n) walked out with them, engrossed in an interesting tale about one of the first expeditions.

The horses were ready, and the sky was dark.

"I'm sorry. I'm holding you guys up with my never-ending curiosity." (y/n) said, laughing softly.

"Don't worry about it. We'll have plenty of time to talk next time, and of course, when you hopefully join us in 3 years." Erwin said encouragingly.

"Right." (y/n) saluted Erwin, and was saluted back. He walked over to the tallest horse and jumped on, tightening a few last straps.

(y/n) walked a few steps closer to Levi to say goodbye.

"Well, (y/n), your fighting skills are good, but next time I won't go easy on you." Levi said.

YES! He called me by my first name!

(y/n) smirked. "I appreciate it nevertheless, sir." She saluted him and he saluted her.

Levi's and (y/n)'s eyes were locked a little longer than was the norm, and it fluttered something deep inside both of them. Levi refused to acknowledge it as anything of importance as he saddled up and galloped away on his horse. 

Titan Beauty (Levi x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin