23. Catching the Titan

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(y/n) couldn't draw her gaze to in front of her, because she was captured in the deathly stare of the female titan behind them. She ran extremely fast, not like any other titan (y/n) or the others had ever seen.

She-... She's human, isn't she? (y/n) realized, making the titan and the situation all the more frightening. A soldier, equipped with ODMGear flew in front of her, trying to take her down, but she smashed him ruthlessly against a trunk to her side. His blood splattered, making disgusting sounds as it hit the ground and dripped down from the bark. His body was so crushed there would be nothing left to salvage for his family.

"(Y/N), EREN, EYES IN FRONT!" Levi yelled, (y/n) never having him shout like that before. Levi knew how dire the situation was. He also knew what was going on behind him, but he was smart enough not to look.

The two young subordinates turned back around and focused on riding faster, doing their best to ignore the rumbling ground behind them.

The rest of the team was in the same state as Eren and (y/n).

"CAPTAIN, SHE'S CATCHING UP!" yelled Oluo, not taking the captain's advice of not looking behind.

"CAPTAIN! DO WE ENGAGE IN ODMGEAR?" Petra shouted, her voice cracking as the nerves took their toll. He didn't respond. "WAIT! IT'S THE REINFORCEMENTS!" she continued, causing (y/n) and Eren to look behind once again.

There were reinforcements, sure, but not for long. Providing (y/n) with even more evidence of the true nature of the female titan, the titan was able to take all of them out extremely skillfully. She squashed them against the trees, hit them to the ground and even yanked their ODMG wires.

(y/n) was starting to feel sick and her eyes started to water. Like always, not out of sorrow nor fear, but out of sheer rage. Those were people she knew, that were being squashed like flies. By another human, no less. A human who was abusing her ability to turn into a titan to hurt other humans. (y/n) could hardly comprehend it.

Then she remembered something from a while back. The two titans that were captured and under Hanji's supervision were slaughtered one night back at the castle. Hanji was in hysterics, of course. But Hanji wasn't the only one who took the act seriously. (y/n) remembered standing in front of the evaporating corpses, confused and feeling sorry for Hanji, when she felt two large strong hands on her shoulders. It was Erwin. He didn't look her in the eye as he spoke softly. "(y/n), when you see this... Tell me. Who do you think the real enemy is here?" he spoke intensely, and close to her face so no one else would be able to hear. (y/n) processed his question, brows furrowing as she started reaching her conclusion. "I'm sorry. Don't mind me." he spoke as he rubbed her head and walked off.

This is it. This is what Erwin spoke of. How could I have been so thick? The real enemy of humanity that time was another human. Probably more than one. And here the bitch shows. (y/n) was fuming, getting more worked up with every leap her horse took.

The word 'captain' was really being overused as the team continued to ignore the female titan behind them, letting all their comrades die in a feeble attempt to take her down. No matter how much his team yelled, Levi gave no response. He trusted Erwin and his plan, but despite this his fists were clenched tighter around the leash of his horse than ever before. He didn't let himself look behind at his dying comrades, nor did he dare take a look at (y/n)'s face.

In the end, this mission is based completely on Eren and (y/n). They're the bait, and all those other soldiers... They're just expendable toys for her to kill, to buy us some time. It won't take long for (y/n) to figure that out, and she won't take it well. She'll think they all died because of her; but in the end, this is what scouts do. Capturing this bitch is for the better of humanity. It's messed up that it demands so many casualties, though.

He didn't think such a burden was healthy to bare for a (age) old girl, but there just wasn't any other way.

"EVERYONE;" Levi began, cutting his team off from whatever panicky things they were shouting, "COVER YOUR EARS, NOW!"

As he said this, he raised his arm, holding up a flare gun. He fired it, releasing an intensely high pitched noise that rang in (y/n)'s ears.

"Was that an acoustic round?" Eren asked, although it was obvious.

"Tell me, what exactly is our mission here? Is it to act impulsively when things get tough? Let me answer that for you; it's not. Our mission is to keep these brats alive, whatever the cost. Don't forget it. We keep pushing forward on horseback. Is that clear!?" Levi spoke, finally giving his team something to go on.

"Yes, sir!" Petra chimed, her eyes still grave.

"B-, but for how long!? We can't keep running forever! She's right on top of us.." Eren said, a fiery look in his eyes. He saw more soldiers engaging. "NO! They keep coming! How many more soldiers are going to die if we don't do something!?"

"NO EREN! We follow the captain's orders!"

"Just keep riding and listen to your captain!" shouted the others; their faith in their superior unwavering.

But-, Eren's right.. Nothing is worth this much casualty, is it!? We-, we have to do something?! (y/n) agreed.

"Eren." she spoke loudly, but confidently. He looked to his side at (y/n). Being the best friends that they were, he could see what she was saying just by the look in her eyes. He nodded, as if to give her the go-ahead.

She raised her hand to her mouth.


"(y/n) NO!"

"DON'T BE SO RASH!" they all yelled at her. None of their angry panicked shouts reached her.

"I wouldn't blame you, (y/n)." said the one voice she couldn't bare to ignore. "Do as your conscience dictates. In the end, the choice is up to you. There's nothing I can do to stop you, I know you well enough to be able to say that... You have to decide who you're going to put your trust in. Will you act on your own accord, or put your trust in those around you, who are willing to put their lives on the line for you? I don't know which is better. Never have. But you have to choose now. Never hesitate."

She listened to his words, her heart aching. No matter what she chose, no outcome could be a good one. Too many lives had already been lost.

"I trust you, Levi." was all she spoke, softly. Levi kept staring ahead. Hearing her tone of voice, he could almost hear her tears rolling down her cheek. He didn't want to see that. Seeing her in that much pain, accepting the deaths of all her comrades on her own behalf, he didn't know what he would do. All he knew was that he couldn't jeopardize the mission.

"Now let's pick up the speed, shall we? She's getting closer. We'll outrun the bitch." Levi spoke. Levi waited anxiously for it to happen.

Just a little further...Tch-, this ought to end soon.

And as he thought it, there it was. They rode past a bunch of scouts, hidden in the trees, along with cannons.

(y/n)'s eyes widened as she saw them, even for just a split second.

"FIRE!" she heard yelling, matching the voice to Erwin.

Deafening sounds emerged as the cannons shot their hundreds of wires, aimed at the female titan. You could tell by her face that she hadn't anticipated an ambush. The cannons kept firing, metal wires piercing through her body, keeping her in place. They had caught her. She was stuck.

"Everyone, pitch your horses a bit further on and switch to ODMGear. I have to break away for a while. Eld's in charge for now." Levi spoke, pulling the others out of their awe-struck trance. "And see to my horse!" he spoke. Despite all his efforts from the entire day, he glanced at (y/n), wanting to see her face before leaving. She looked hurt, yet relieved. Many died, but they eventually did catch the titan. He saw her lips twitch a little into a sad smile.

He flew off to the trees with his ODMGear. 

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