25. Sacrifice

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"She's coming for us!" Eld yelled, stating the obvious. It's hard to miss a bloodthirsty 20-meter titan 10 yards from your face. They were all still moving swiftly through the air, not yet sure how to survive the situation as a group.

"YOU AGAIN, YOU BITCH! THIS TIME... I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" Eren yelled as he brought his hand to his mouth. He was going to finish her. She had killed all those soldiers, and now Gunther too.

"NO, EREN DON'T! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS! THE SAME GOES FOR YOU AS WE TOLD (Y/N)!" Oluo shouted just in time to get Eren's attention.


"WE CAN FIGHT HER TOO!" (y/n) countered.

"Please..." Petra almost begged.

The two rebellious titan shifters exchanged a pained glance.

You have to decide who you're going to put your trust in. Will you act on your own accord, or put your trust in those around you, who are willing to put their lives on the line for you? I don't know which is better. Never have. But you have to choose now. Never hesitate.

Levi's words echoed in her head.

(y/n) bit down hard, squinted her eyes, and turned her back away from Petra and the titan. She sped off, heading for base, like Petra asked.

"I trust you. Take her down. Come back alive." she spoke lowly, fearing that she may have made the wrong mistake. But Levi told her never to hesitate. So she didn't.

Eren watched his best friend go. He trusted his comrades, and he trusted (y/n)'s judgment. He followed her, biting down hard, hating to walk away from a fight he so desperately wanted to finish.

Although they both knew it was utterly stupid, they were looking back, wanting to see the Levi squad in action.

They were amazing. Eld managed to conjure some titan steam by cutting the titan's arm, causing her to lose visibility. Then, Petra and Oluo stuck their blades in her eyes, blinding her for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

Or so they thought.

They had cut her up very efficiently, thinking they had a few minutes time to do their work. But, somehow, the titan managed to heal one eye quicker than the other, giving her her sight back.

The first to go was Eld. Bitten in half, then spit out tastelessly, because she felt no need to eat him, being the human she was.

Petra lost her composure. Fear struck her priory fierce-eyes, as she made a desperate attempt to escape the foot that headed to crush her. She was too slow, and she was gone, with merely a stomp of the titan and a splatter of her blood.

"PETRA!" Oluo called out, though he wasn't expecting a response. His rage and need for vengeance blinded him, and ended up in him being roundhouse-kicked by the ruthless titan shifter. As he flew through the air, he hit multiple tree trunks, coloring each of them a rich, sickening shade of red.

I made the wrong choice. Not only that, Eren followed my lead. Petra, Gunther, Eld, Oluo, I'm so sorry. Eren, I-... EREN!?

(y/n) was pulled out of her self-deprecating trance when she saw Eren soaring through the sky with tears in his eyes. He wasn't moving. Probably in shock. The female titan was in full mobility whatsoever, heading towards Eren aggressively. He still didn't move, even when he stared his death in the face. Her horrible, psychotic face.

If he doesn't move now, he's done for.

No. Not another. Not another death on my watch. At least this way, the last thing I do will be something honorable.

I'm sorry Levi. You were right all along. I suppose I do give up my life recklessly for someone else.

Her final thoughts were calm ones, with a smile hidden behind them. She got to know great people.

She got to join the army and kill titans, and thus make her mother proud.

She had laughed a lot, cried a lot, but that all made (y/n)'s life worth living.

She even got to fall in love.

That was enough for her. If it meant she could save Eren, it was enough.

She shot her ODM wires, aiming just past Eren.

The female titan's hand was about to snatch him as he stared miserably into her huge eyes.

And just before impact, (y/n) took his place, pushing him out of the way.

For a short moment, everything seemed to move in slow-motion.

(y/n) and Eren locked eyes.

Eren seemed to regain himself when he understood what she had just done.

She managed to give him a last, sincere small smile, before she was smacked by the ginormous hand of the female titan, crushing her bones and breaking her flesh. She landed somewhere 50 yards over.

She heard Eren scream her name as he recognized her lethal sacrifice.

She felt her blood gush out of her body and create a warm pool around her as she lay with her head in the grass.

It felt like a pillow, she hazily reckoned.

She could hear her punctured, blood-filled lungs desperately try to breathe, causing her to cough and hiccup.

The last thing she heard was the sound of Eren transforming into a titan, promising her a good fight, and promising Eren a chance of surviving the female titan.

Her heart stopped, but she had a heart-warming smile on her face as she went.  

Titan Beauty (Levi x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें