24. Escaped

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Levi landed on a thick branch next to Erwin. They both stared at the captured titan shifter before them.

"She's not putting up much of a fight." Levi noted.

"That's no reason to let our guard down. Good work leading her here, I'm more than a little impressed."

"We couldn't have done it without the rear backups whose lives were lost to buy us time. This belongs to them. I don't intend to ever forget that." Levi spoke, sounding agitated. He wasn't as impulsive as (y/n) and Eren, but the deaths of his comrades haunted his mind just like it did theirs.

"Thanks to their sacrifices... We can uncover who this really is. I bet the person inside is just about pissing themselves by now." he muttered, his disgust obvious as he looked at the monster in front of him.

Her eyes were wide and her teeth were clenched, realizing she was pretty much done for. The metal wires creaked as she tried moving her body.

It didn't work. There was no way she'd get out of there, and that realization was a hard slap in the face for her.

But-, I promised father..

Levi pulled out his blades, enjoying the sound of the sharp metal as he unsheathed it.

"Not yet, Levi. As you said, many lives were lost trying to obtain her. Now that we have her, we must take every precaution to keep it that way." Erwin said, and he raised his hand. He ordered more cannons to fire at her, hurting her even more and keeping her in place firmly. The cannons fired and the loud bangs filled their ears as they watched the wires pierce her muscles.

Meanwhile; the titans on the outskirts of the woods had started learning how to climb trees, in order to get closer to the delicious treats that were Jean, Christa, Connie, Sasha and the others.

"They've.. Figured out how to climb.." Christa muttered as she stared downwards.

They all heard cannonfire coming from the inside of the forest non-stop.

"What the hell could be going on there..?" Jean wondered aloud.

Sasha sat crouched against a trunk, wanting to return to inside the walls, but at the same time fearing the way back. "I sure hope they're all right in there.." she managed to mutter, her voice shaky.

"HAHAAAA!!! I bet it's starting to sting now, isn't it!?" Hanji yelled at the beast before her as more metal entered her body at high speed. "Well, biology can often be a curse, but for the sake of science, we must risk it all! I wonder why they're taking so long to start extracting our guest from this body... It won't get any easier." She spoke, a curious look on her face. Just as she said it, Levi and Mike engaged.

Levi came in with great speed, spinning to gain momentum to deliver a clashing strike to her nape, which she was shielding with her hands. His eyes held fury and hatred for the titan shifter who had mercilessly killed his comrades.

He was unpleasantly surprised when his blades shattered on impact. Her hands had turned icy blue, forming into some sort of impenetrable crystal.

An impressive ability she's got there... Hardening portions of her body to make them tougher than stone... This way will take far too long. We'll have to take a more obvious approach. Erwin thought tactically. He summoned one of his subordinates.

"Yes, sir?" a young, tired looking man spoke.

"Get an artillery round ready. I want her hands blown off. Aim for the wrists. We need her alive." he spoke, not taking his eyes off her.

"Y-, yes sir!" he flew off.

Levi was standing on her head stomping his foot on her.

"We know you're in there, so why don't you get out, and save us the trouble, huh? Seriously, what can you hope to gain by stalling? If you're thinking we'll let you go, we won't. If you're thinking of escaping, don't. All you should be thinking about are the good men you killed today. Ch-, not that you would. That's not your style, is it? No remorse... You enjoy killing. Which means we actually have something in common. Of course, I enjoy killing titans. But I'm sure we can find some middle-ground. Whilst we're on such a grim subject... You're okay with me cutting your limbs off at the joints, right? I mean, they'll grow back. But I'm talking about your actual limbs. Wouldn't want you dead just yet... But without limbs at least you can't run away, hm?" he spoke to her softly, knowing she could hear every little thing he was saying.

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