Chapter 2

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The Pack House ^

~Kade's POV~

Stepping out of the black Hummer, I looked up at the massive house before me. It was hand built by the pack's founder, Fry Blackwood, who the pack is named after. It was originally intended for just the alpha but ended up becoming the pack house. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine why anyone would want a house that big for themselves. It would be super lonely not to mention creepy as all hell to have all that space to yourself. In my opinion, it was way better suited as a pack house.

At the moment, the monstrous building housed fourteen of the sixty-two members of the Blackwood pack and still had room for a lot more. New or unmated pack members were usually recommended to stay but could do as they wish. Plus, we didn't get many new members and the unmated wolves were mostly kids living with their families. Most of the residents that were living here were doing so because they felt comfortable being constantly around a group of people. For me, it was just easier. I was the beta and it'd be better to stay rather than run back and forth from an empty house. 

The majority of the pack had homes scattered around the territory, either in the woods or in town. It never stopped anyone coming over and hanging out though. There usually was a large number of wolves around at any given day. The pack house was just the center of our 'community'. It was honestly like heaven to me. I couldn't imagine not being surrounded by family. 

Breathing in deep, I took in the scents of my brothers and sisters, of my home.

A moment later I was looking up at the sky, lungs gasping for air as a groan escaped me. Two wolves sat on me, their mouths pulled in wolfish grins. I knew who they were, instantly recognizing their scent: Vik and his twin sister Aster. A deep chuckle sounded.

"Come on you two, get off of him." Complying, they jumped off and the view of the sky was replaced with the grinning face of Rory. He was a man, though he acted more like a boy, of Asian decent with a scar running over his eyebrow. His face was always stretched out in a smile which seemed to be contagious.

He reached out, pulling me up and into a hug. "Man, good to see you back Kade!" Sure enough, a smile spread across my face. It was great to see him even though he was an annoying little shit sometimes.

"Glad to be back." We strolled up onto the porch, coming to the front door which was set with a stain glass image of a wolf. "Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?" He thought about it for a second as he turned the knob, motioning for me to go inside.

"Not really... There hasn't been much trouble with rouges. Oh, there's a lone wolf but he's never crossed over from No Man's Land. Just kinda sits there looking across. Eric said he can't connect with him but he means us no harm so to let him be...." He frowned. "There's been a little trouble with Murphy's pack though. We keep catching whiffs of them over here. Eric's called him multiple times with him but he denies everything." I scowled.

Murphy was the alpha of the neighboring Rickerson pack. They had half the members but made up for it with an unhealthy thirst for violence. We'd have to deal with them soon. Hopefully, we can talk it out instead of resulting to war.

"Oh and Jasper found his mate! A guy named Lucas and he's pretty nice too." He gave me a sideways look as we made our way inside, "They've been at it like rabbits." Chuckling I rolled my eyes and cut him off before he could continue, knowing his next question.

"No, I haven't found my mate yet."

"Oh, well I'm sure you will soon." He said with confidence and a grin. He opened his mouth to say something else but a shout cut him off.

"Yo Rory! Get your ass out here and help!" Rory shrugged at me before turning and making his way back outside. He stopped just before the last step, calling over his shoulder, "Also! Eric wants you to come patrolling tomorrow so get up early!" I groaned, earning a chuckle in response, and closed the door.

I was making my way up the stairs to my room just as my stomach growled. Thinking that it'd be best to feed the beast I decided to take a detour back down the stairs, heading for the kitchen where voices could be heard.

I knew who it was before I saw them.

Shelby and her mate Ana rested against the island, chatting away. They glanced up, sensing me and a smile formed on their lips.

"Kade your back!" Ana exclaimed as she came around the counter to give me a hug.

"Yeah, great to see you guys again," a smile tugging on my own lips, "there anything to eat?" Hey, it was nice seeing them, but feeding the monster within comes first. Shelby chuckled as Ana gave me a pout.

"Yeah, Jasper made lasagna last night and I think there's some left." My mouth watered at the thought of Jasper's food. He was best damn cook this pack ever had. 

"Thanks, Shelby." I pulled out a stool to sit at the island, "So I hear that Jasper found a mate... Lucas was it?" Ana grinned.

"Yeah, they're so lovey dovey too! I mean, at first they weren't--Lucas did shoot Jasper and all, plus kept him hostage, and there's the whole 'coming from a line of hunters' thing--but they fell in love and omg I ship them so hard." I was shocked. What the fuck happened when I was gone?

Seeing my face, Shelby intervened, laughing, "Lucas comes from a family of hunters, but he never actually believed in werewolves. He was horrified that the wolf he actually shot turned into a--" The microwave beeped and Shelby took the lasagna out, setting it before me before she continued. I practically inhaled the food, gaining a couple laughs from the girls.

We sat around a little longer before I made my excuses and went to go up to my room, promising to tell them about my trip another time. I closed my door, breathing out a sigh of relief. I loved them, but damn those girls could talk a deaf person to suicide. Stripping off my clother, too lazy to take a shower, I crawled into bed. While laying there, I thought about the reason why I had been gone so long.

Since my eighteenth birthday I---and every other werewolf on theirs---had the ability to sense our mate. The only problem is that we can't if they aren't right there. We could feel that they're out there somewhere and sometimes we would have vague dreams, but that was it until we met them.

I was already twenty-two and there was still no sign of my mate so I decided, or more accurately, Eric decided, that I'd take time off from my beta duties and mingle with the other packs to look for them. Nothing turned up. I didn't know if I was unlucky or what, but the thought of never finding my mate made me ache more than I wanted to admit.

Sighing into my pillow, I tried to picture my mate.

Like every other time, the image of sad blue eyes surrounded by Auburn fur appeared. That was all I could get. They weren't even in human form. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't see anything else. It really put a damper on the excitement of finding my other half.

Exhausted, I turned my thoughts away from my mate and drift off into sleep.
****So yeah Kade really wants to find his mate but never wanted to put off his duties cuz he loves his pack and shit. I hope you guys like him!****

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