Chapter 12

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Warning: There is a rape scene in this chapter, please skim/skip the italic part if you do not do well with such content (it's gives insight, but I understand that it's not for everyone)

~Asher's POV~

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear besides a few wisps that slowly traveled across the sky. The trees were becoming bare, the leaves shriveling up and dropping off until they were almost completely gone. I spent most of the day just sitting and enjoying the signs of the season changing. It was by far my favorite time of year.

Lucas and Jasper had spent most of the morning raking leaves, though they kept getting... 'distracted'. It was adorable the way they interacted, as if there was no one else but them. Needless to say, raking the leaves took awhile, but it wasn't all their fault.

Kade, who was supposed to keep a certain little wolf distracted, was given the slip and after a few surprise jumps into the leaf piles, he was deemed unfit. The task was then passed to me, much to Fallon's excitement.

For awhile he just amused himself with trying to get on my nerves, but he soon got bored. Before he could wander over to the others, I suggested that we play hide and seek.

As a happy Fallon scampered off, he yelled for me to count to thirty, drawing a few laughs from the others as they overheard. After counting I was soon on his trail, which was a straight shot to the forest. Unfortunately for Fallon, I was quite good at tracking and finding things, but I made sure to take my time so that it was more fun for him.

Farther and farther into the forest I went, following his somewhat twisted trail, once in awhile hearing a giggle in the distance. I shook my head in amusement. I'm glad he was having fun.

The giggles had stopped awhile ago and I stopped, my ears pricking up. I listened for... I don't know what. For Fallon to laugh or try and jump out and scare me? I don't know, but something was wrong, seriously wrong.

It was then that I noticed how quiet it was. The birds didn't chirp; the fallen leaves didn't rustle; I didn't even breathe for fear of missing something.


My heartbeat started to race, the adrenaline began pumping throughout my body. I strained my ears, trying to pick up the sound again.


I was running now. My breathes came out in gasps as my paws slapped against the ground, crunching the leaves as I went.


Where was he? Various scenarios raced through my mind, none of them good. I had to find him. If anything happened... I don't know what I do, what Riley would do. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.


I skidded to a stop, immediately sprinting to my left where the scream came from. Jumping over any and all obstacles, I broke from the tree line, coming to a clearing, the edge dropping suddenly. As I ran to the middle, the stench of fear clogged my nostrils and my eyes darted back and forth, looking for any sign of Fallon.


I ran to the edge of the cliff, looking down. My blood froze as I looked into the wide eyes of a terrified Fallon who hung on for dear life. Tears streamed down his face as he clung to single tree root, his knuckles white.

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