Chapter 15

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~Kade's POV~

I'd woken up to someone entering the room, immediately tensing, tightening my arms around a softly snoring Asher, and letting out a warning growl. I was still half sleep but more than willing to defend my loved ones. A chuckle came in response, Eric stepping into view.

"I see that quite a few things happened last night." He gestured to the three sleeping forms on top of me.

Seeing a mop of long, blonde hair startled me for a second, but I relaxed, realizing that it was Riley. She must have woken up and come downstairs to join us.

Fallon was tucked beneath her while Asher, the main reason behind my immobility, slept right on top of me. His chest was pressed against mine, fists clenched in my shirt as his legs straddled me. I blushed, realizing that my hands were cupping Asher's bottom, heating up even more when I remembered that he was naked beneath the comforter.

"Ah, yeah..." I struggled, both physically and mentally, to untangle myself from the sleeping forms, going slowly as to not wake them. Successful, I gestured for Eric to follow me into the other room.

"So, given the look on your face, something's wrong. I assume with Asher?" I nodded with a sigh.

"He's not responding." Eric's surprise was quickly masked and he motioned for me to continue, "He didn't react at all when I called his name and I couldn't connect with him through the pack link. Rory even tried."

He thought about my words, asking his physical conditions. Every moment I grew tenser, expecting to give some horrific verdict. Finally, he seemed to have come to a conclusion, a smile stretching across his face.

"I'm not Gunnar, but I think he'll be alright."

I just stared blankly at him for a moment, trying to process what he'd said. I opened my mouth, about to demand an explanation, when I felt arms wrap around me. I instantly relaxed, breathing in the scent of the one who made my heart race. A smile on my lips, I turned, coming face to face with a sleepy looking Asher. He gave me a smile of his own, a wolfish grin that I found utterly adorable.

"Asher..." I whispered, barely audible but with all my feelings behind it.

Kade. He said it so simply, but that single word washed away all my fears and doubts. 

He was here, alive and awake, knowing who I was. Not to mention in human form. Though I would have loved him even if he stayed as a wolf, he was breathtakingly beautiful.

His wavy, brown locks framed his blue eyes, enhancing their color. Freckles lightly dusted his adorable nose, standing out against his pale skin. It worried me at how thin he was.

I leaned down, nuzzling Asher's neck, breathing in his scent. My tongue darted out, being rewarded with a soft gasp. Everywhere we touched seemed to be aflame. I pressed closer, my body welded with his.


He clung to me, his need seeping in through the link but it was his confusion that held me back. The way he said my name, in such an innocent and trusting way, made me pull back.

Questions swam in his eyes as he looked at me, but I just smiled and pressed my lips to his forehead.

"Don't mind me, Asher, I'm just happy." He sent me an amused look, cocking his head as his lips curled in a wolfish grin.

I must be something special to get you to worry about me.

"You have no idea." I chuckled, pulling him back into my embrace.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm starving."

Asher jumped but then relaxed as my hand ran up and down his back. I'd  forgotten about Eric. Now that he said something, I was hungry. Asher was probably starved. Neither of us had really eaten anything for awhile.

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