Chapter 20

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~Asher's POV~

I woke up lighter than I've ever been. I felt wonderful, a peaceful tranquility surrounding me like a blanket. It took me a moment to come to my senses. Images flashed in my minds, images of naked bodies intertwined in a embrace of passion. My cheeks flamed when I realized it was my body doing those things... with Kade.

I gasped, sitting up as I searched for him, my body aching in protest. I quickly calmed when I realized he wasn't there. I put a hand to the place I knew he had fallen asleep, the sheets cold. He hadn't been there for some time. For some reason, my chest pained with that realization.

I quickly brushed it off, my mind becoming giddy as I remembered last night. I've never been held in such away. Yes, I've had previous sexual experiences, all of which make me shudder to remember, but never one that felt so... so right.

The feeling of Kade inside me, of his emotions reaching into the very depths of my being, was something unimaginable. I'd never believed that that type of experience existed, or, at least, not for me. Words spat at me from long ago worked their way into my mind, but I ignored them, instead thinking of the murmurs of sweet nothings Kade whispered in my ear as we held each other tight. I couldn't remember anything he had said, I was barely conscious, but it still made me feel warm and safe as I drifted off.

I couldn't help but grin, pulling the sheets to my face and breathing in the scent. It was Kade's, but also mine. I loved the mixture of the two, it was almost intoxicating.

I wanted to see him.

My heart racing with the thought of seeing Kade, I swung my legs over the bed. Careful not to hurt myself, I hesitantly got up... and fell on the floor, barely concealing a yelp.

I froze, the small wave of pain disappearing, leaving a faint, manageable ache. It's been awhile since I've done anything sexual like this so I thought I would be in a lot of pain, but it was nothing compared to before. The grin found its way back on my face. Everything with Kade was different.

Making sure I didn't have another fall, I stood, the sheet falling to the floor. It occurred to me that Kade would probably not like me parading around butt naked, given his hounding during the first few days in this form. I walked over to the dresser to pull out a pair of shorts and a shirt, stopping when I caught sight my body in a single mirror.

Red markings stood out on my normally pale skin. My neck and shoulders were littered kiss marks, some of which were slightly purpled. I could faintly see marks around my nipples as well. The area at my hips were less prominent, but I could see the print of Kade's hands clearly.

Filled with a light, happy feeling, I decided to ditch the shirt and go for just a pair low hanging shorts. I practically skipped out of the room, the pain all but disappearing as I pictured Kade in my mind.

I'd find him and, as he caught sight of me, his face would break out in a smile, warmth flooding into his eyes as he looked at me in the way that only he does. He'd approach me, scanning me up and down as he looked at his handwork, and take me into his arms, his head resting on top of mine as he ran his fingers up and down my back and I'd melt into him, falling deeper and deeper into whatever this was.

I rounded the corner, almost falling down as I ran into someone. Dreading myself, I looked into the amused eyes of Thalia.

"Well, hello there Asher, fancy meeting you here." She glanced at my markings, her face brightening before resuming eye contact. "I'm happy for you two! Now you better go find your mate, he's been grumpy and I think seeing you will do him some good!" She sent me on my way with a smack on my butt, her laughter disappearing as I headed downstairs.

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