Chapter 4

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Kade in wolf form^

~Asher's POV~

When I sensed him I should have used caution. Should have gotten up sooner. Should have just turn tail and fucking run. He was unknown and unknown meant danger. 

But I felt a pull to him. One that was so familiar and alien at the same time; so nice yet it terrified me.

I couldn't help but memorize the various colors of his pelt. How the patches of ginger fur, that was so similar to my own yet so different, invaded the seemingly random black, gray, and white that covered him. With eyes like honey, he pierced through my very being. I couldn't pull myself away. And now, it was too late.

I was cornered. 

Why the hell did I sit in front of this big ass tree? It seems I'm always getting myself into shitty situations. 

He kept approaching. Kept trying to get into my head. Oddly enough he didn't feel threatening. Maybe that's why I tried to warn him to back off. But he wouldn't pay attention. I had to do something.

So I lunged.

In a instant I was on the ground, tackled by the Alpha. I was more frightened with the realization that I was happy being stopped than at the monstrous wolf on top of me.

A low,threatening growl emitted, drawing everyone's attention. Honey colored eyes glared at the Alpha. I didn't know who was more surprised, me or the Alpha. The pressure pinning me down stopped as the Alpha slowly got off, never breaking eye contact until he was standing tall, daring him to do something. The wolf relaxed as the Alpha took a couple steps away, turning his attention back to me.

He continued his approach once more looking slightly confused, but... it was more than that. There was happiness and excitement for sure but his eyes were tinged with sorrow. A slight ache started in in my chest seeing it...

I shook my head, dispelling the unwelcome feeling, and uttered a low growl.

Taking heed he stopped, cocking his head. I was surprised, but didn't let my guard down. He glanced from me to the Alpha, letting out a soft whimper. I assumed they were communicating telepathically as they tried on me earlier.

The Alpha occasionally glanced in my direction. Either I was the topic they were discussing or he was making sure I didn't attack. I'd place a bet on the former with the way the other wolves looked at me with a curious, unguarded look in their eyes. I would have been offended had they not been completely right. 

Suddenly honey-eyed wolf let out a bark of surprise. The others rose to their feet, looking confused, while the Alpha remained where he was, calmly looking ahead.

I wasn't aware of what he said, but I wouldn't let this chance go to waste. Taking advantage of the situation, I made a break for the trees. 

I ran as fast as possible, trying to make use of the familiar terrain. It didn't occur to me that their territory is made of the same exact kind. That fact was made painfully aware when the sound of paws hitting earth sounded right behind me, seemingly unfazed by the unknown surroundings, causing my heart to pick up speed along with my legs.

I felt pressure against my mind once more. The intentions were not hostile, more surprised and caring, trying to reassure me, than anything. That was what scared me. I could handle anger or disgust. But kindness? I just didn't know how to deal with it.

I was pulling ahead, but only a little. 

I didn't realize I was heading along the path I use to get home until I skidded past the oh so familiar pond. My mind was racing. If I led him to that place not only would I be punished, but he would suffer. I couldn't let that happen.

Determined, I suddenly turned, tripping over a root as I did so. Luckily my pursuer was taken by surprise and ran right past me. It took him less than five seconds to turn around and continue the chase but by then I was already up and running and full force.

We ran like this for hours. I would keep him guessing, randomly switching directions and causing my scent trail to cross itself therefore making it harder to follow. He was usually not too far behind, but sometimes I would pull ahead enough that I could rest. He'd always catch up. Before I knew it we were running well into the night.

It wasn't until the sky started to lighten, signalling the dawn of the next day, before I was finally able to break free, ending our little game of cat and mouse.I don't know when exactly, back he had stopped chasing me for awhile now. It took numerous dips in streams that were as cold as ice and going around in circles.  

My paws scrapped the ground with every step as I tried to lift lead-like legs. Every breath I let out came in short puffs and drool ran down my mussel. Needless to say, I am not a very athletic creature. This lead me to believe that he was only playing with me.

My anger rose.

That cocky bastard let me stay ahead of him. He could have run laps around me if he wanted to but decided to let me wear myself out. It fucking worked, but not as he expected. Me to muddling my scent trail to the point where tracking was impossible wasn't in his plan. I guess it's true when they say brain always beats brawn. 

The scent of blood brought me out of my musings and causing my hackles to rise. My ears filled with the sound of my thumping heart as I looked upon my prison that peeked out between the trees. Slowing but never stopping I limped around it, using the treeline as cover. I'd sure as hell never go up to that hell hole. It wasn't my place. 

I never took my eyes off it until I was moving down a small incline that brought me to a small glade. There was enough light in the sky to reflect off the metal noose that hung from the branch of a stout tree. It swayed ever so slightly in the breeze. 

Ready to take my place, I made my way over, but a voice made me stop dead in my tracks.

"And where, pray tell, have you been off to? I do hope it was worth it..."


****Ugh, I'm so sorry how disappointing this chapter is considering I've kept you guys waiting for like 2+ weeks :'( Jeez it's hard to find the motivation to write. Like, I know the  generally story line (even have plans for the next two books in the series), but I keep procrastinating. 

Anyways, if you guys liked this please vote and comment. I'd love hearing your guys' opinions and suggestions :) 

I still have this college program so I won't have much time to write except for the weekends until after July 15.****

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