Chapter Four- He's a real gangster

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Chapter Four: He's a real gangster.

"It's Friday night, babe. You can't stay home, sitting on the couch, having sex with your books and call it fun. Please, for me... come with us. It'll be fun..."

"Kimmy, you saw I got a B in history. I was always two steps ahead but, today, I got a B. You know, it feels like my luck has disappeared and more like taken away! You know... just like the movie... what was the name... er... in which she kissed a guy at her office party and her luck turned to him... and then she—"

"You mean, Just My Luck?"

I nodded instantly, blowing my nose in the paper tissue.

"Oh, c'mon Elle. Stop crying. First you haven't kissed anyone that you're charms will be transferred to him. Or," I looked up at her, as she ogled at me.

I frowned, "What?" I sniffed.

"As a matter of fact, you'd never kissed anyone!!" She whined. I simply rolled my eyes and threw my tissue at her. It wasn't the time to discuss my Love life! For Christ's sake I GOT a B IN HISTORY!!!

I sniffed and wiped the tear resting on my cheek.

When Kim saw her joke was useless on me, she crouched a little to be my eye-level.

"Oh, c'mon. I can't believe you're the queen of the school who is practically crying in the washroom because she got a B in history. Do you have any idea how many fucking people are dying to get a B as they usually get a F."

"Coming from the mouth who got an A." I snapped, and made my way to the sink.

I saw her pouting at me through the insanely wide mirror in front of me. I knew and understood that she was trying to cheer me up but, I don't know... I'm just so stupid!

Immediately, I gave Kim my apology smile and, she in understanding nodded at me. She's just too good to be my best friend and I love her.

I washed my face and hands and once again blew my nose, just to make sure I was clean. I saw the reflection of the girl who stood in front. I looked horrifying. My mascara was smudged around my eyes and spilled down to my cheeks. Honestly, I shrieked a little at my own self. My eyes were and nose was red, not helping me look any more better than I already did.

"Clean up. I'll meet you outside. Let's go shopping later. Okay?" She said, half hugging me.

"Ah-uh... now, don't get all mushy-cushy on me." I signed, smiling at our closeness.

She backed away, chuckling and smacked my butt before waving a bye.

I rummaged through my bag full of makeup items and finally got the hold of the important things.

After the fresh coating of almost everything on my face, I walked out.

Just when I was crossing the hallway to reach café. I happened to hear a familiar scary voice and halted right there. Actually, my feet froze.

It was coming from the gym room on the right. I happened to take a quick turn and get close enough to the door to hear him say,

"Ya, I know that. But, no you listen to me. If you even tried to mess things again for me, I will kill you with my own hands... do you understand?"

He paused. Perhaps, listening to the person on the other line. Who he could be possibly threatening? Oh my god! I think he's a real gangster. I had to tell that to the principal.

Before I could go, he said, "Fine, I will fucking arrange the money asap. But, I want your ass gone out of my life. For forever. Do you fucking get that?"

With a sigh, his footsteps reached closer to the door.


Run, Elle... run.

As fast as I can, I moved away from the door by stepping inside the adjoined room. Because, if I had ran with those heels, he could've easily caught me and, would have slaughtered me for eavesdropping right there and then. I'm just too young to die, you know and don't forget the part where I love myself.

But, like I had a choice! He was nowhere to be found on the social media. No Fb, no Insta, no Snapchat, no Twitter, no My space, no Vine, and so on... I mean, what kind of person is he?

Oh my god! What if he's an alien?

I heard his footsteps fading in the ring of the bell for my next class.

Oh, shit! I am going to get late, again.


*Where were u? I was waiting for you in the café!* I read the text, popped on my phone's screen.

*Sorry. Took me long enough to do my make-up.* I texted back, making sure, Mrs. Gullible didn't catch me.

*Oh, kay. Nevea mind. Wat happened to wat I told u???? Did u do something 'bout dat? 'Cause clearly, u r still the headline of Richmond High, tagged along with that nobody.*

*I know and I think I'll soon talk to him.*

*Great. Wat u gonna say, by the wy?*

*Donno. We'll worry 'bout that later. Now, let me study.* I seriously had zilch idea of how to tackle him and sorry no talking on my part, it was a lie.

He's just... so intimidating and effects me in a way no one ever had. I may put a brave face, but trust me I LOVE MY FACE.

I saw Kim grinning at me and then she typed off.

*Kay, geeky. And yeah... don't forget about shopping.*

*Yeah, fat-ass. And, wouldn't forget for even for the love of Nutella. Meet you at your house.*

And then I gave all my attention to Mrs. Gullible, our English teacher, explaining a totally new concept which I'd already half missed.

My eyes were fixed on the board but my mind kept on twirling around the words he said. Was someone threatening him instead? Or I heard wrong and he was threatening someone?

Not that I care. But, the least I could do was not tell anyone. I dropped the plan to say anything to Mr. Black because involving him meant, involving my parent--my dad's on the BOD table. And I bet, dad would have got him expelled.

I may not like him but, I couldn't destroy his future just because he broke my phone. Careers are far more important than phones.

I may looked cruel and showed cruelty but, I was a kind-hearted person too— at least somewhere inside. I am just too terrified to show the other side of me.


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