Chapter Twenty-Four- I never saw that coming!

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A/N - Warning- NOT proofread


Chapter Twenty-Four: I never saw that coming

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Everyone eyed me weirdly but, I didn't care.

That jerk just confessed something huge to me but, then again left me hanging in between. UGH!

Trying my hard not to blush, I walked towards my locker and halted dead in my tracks- as soon as I spotted someone very familiar leaning against my locker.

Her eyes were watching something in her phone. She looked impatient- the persistent tap of her foot told me that. She was looking like a mess in her track pants and extra large hoodie. Her dark hair made in a up-do and I bet she wasn't wearing a drop of makeup.

What's with her?

My smile dropped and heart sped up. I could tell something was wrong.

Oh, god! Something has happened.

Did that bastard broke her heart?

With heavy steps I started walking towards Kim. My throat getting drier with each step. I swallowed. "Hey?" I said calmly- or at least tried to.

Her brown eyes snapped up at me and I noticed how red they were. Instinctively, she grabbed me in a deathly hug and I didn't mind it.

I hugged her back. "Nice to see you too." I uttered, lightening up the mood.

She sobbed.


I pulled away and saw tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey... shhh..." I hugged her back, slightly panicking. I mumbled soothing words in her ears until she stopped crying and pulled away.

"I need to talk to you."

"Sure." I smiled, and held her shaking hand in mine. I took her to girl's room. I sashayed out the girls already enjoying themselves there. Once, I checked that every cubicle was empty, I dragged Janitor's long stool and made her sit on it while I curiously and nervously looked at her, waiting for her to say something- anything.

I knelt down beside her, holding her trembling feeble hand in mine. Tears made their way out of her beautiful but, dull eyes. "Kim you're scaring me. Please, tell me what happened? Why are you crying? Is it about the guy you were seeing? I know you were, just tell me now. Please." My heart was buzzing like a vibration of my phone.

Her eyes gazed down to our joint hands. "I-I am pregnant." She said in one breath and my eyes went wide.

"W-what?" I asked, incredulously, as if I'd heard wrong.

I almost stumbled on the news. My mind went blank, as I held the wall with my free hand- for my support.

I never saw that coming!

Not even in my dreams. I sighed in and out, trying to say something to my best friend who's crying her eyes out.

Sometimes just simple gestures could say more than the actual words.

I hugged her, firmly. She wrapped her arms around me, damping my blouse, but I didn't care. I cried with her and tried to tell her that everything is going to be okay. That's it's not that bad. But, I wasn't certain of things I was telling her.

"Shh... I'm here... Calm down." I mumbled, soothing her back and not so sure anymore about what to say to her.

Finally she found her voice back, "Elle, I was always sure about these things. But, this time, I don't know how and what went wrong..." Her husky voice not more than a whisper came. I nodded against her head.

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