Chapter Twenty-Five- You're not going anywhere Martin Woodie

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Chapter Twenty-Five: You're not going anywhere Martin Woodie

We walked towards the empty homeroom which we knew wouldn't be disturbed by anyone. We didn't want any uninvited eyes or ears to see or hear anything that was going to happen in this room. Especially, Aria. The bitch.

I wished Soph was here too. But, she was in between her volleyball test match. Why, we'll have to tell her later.

I sighed, as I latched the door.

I turned around and watched the weird looks on Martin and Justin's faces. I wanted to laugh but, it wasn't the right situation.

"Okay... enough of the deadly suspense. I am getting anxious now. Will anyone tell me what the hell is going on?" Justin questioned, frowned annoyingly. He ran a hand through his messy blonde hair and raised one brow at me.

Martin was worryingly eyeing Kim.

I really wanted my life to get back to normal but, suddenly it seemed a lot to ask for.

"Kim..." I looked over to her, as she quietly sat on the desk, fidgeting with her hands in her lap, looking at her feet.

"Fine, if you girls want to play games. I'm out. Okay?! I'm leaving! I have a practice to catch up on." Martin snapped, stepping towards the door but, I stood right in front of him frowning.

"You're not going anywhere Martin Woodie. You got some explaining to do." I said, sternly, looking over his shoulder where Kim stood up, sighing. I crossed my arms and raised my brows until he took a step back and relaxed.

"I-am-pregnant." She said in one go and both; Justin and Martin exchanged looks of confusion until they realized what she really said.

Their blank expressions replaced with the horrifying one. Woodie became paler than he was, as if blood was drained out of his system.

'Yeah, it happens.'

He ran a hand through his hair, as if he was screaming inside his head while Justin just plopped down on the desk, thinking.

"Martin," Kim spoke.

He turned his gaze towards her, "Kim..." he whispered breathing loudly.

What was this? Some kinda code word language?

Justin was completely stunned and frozen until I pinched him, causing him to yelp a little. "Did I heard right?" He hissed and I nodded at him.

"She needs us. Please don't freak out right now..." I pleaded to him and he seemed to understand as a small smile broke on his lips.

We looked back at Kim who was ogling the guy in front of her to see any sign of happiness? But, Martin was too shock to even blink.

"Is that child—" Before he could ask any further.

Her tears barged out and she spoke in broken voice, "Yes. It's yours. Ours... Who's it would be, Martin?"

His face was all red, he again and again ran a hand through his hair then, he smacked his fist into the wall. Hard enough that his knuckles got scrapped.

We all were taken aback with his gesture. We never saw that side of Martin. Ever. He was always Martin-the prankster, who always made us laugh and did his stupid pranks on us. Our lunatic.

Justin strode towards him to comfort him but, he pushed him away and walked past me, opening then closing the door behind him loudly, as he left.

Gone. Why can't guys stay put and face the problem instead of running away!


Martin left the school as soon as he left the homeroom. Justin ran after him but, he was at rage, maybe mad at himself. It's not something you hear every day. 'Hey. I am pregnant with your child'.

But, Kim broke off and engulfed herself in crying. She was heartbroken and puked twice. Watching her puke, I felt like doing it myself but, I held it back. I held Kim in my arms and she just keep quiet. One thing was as clear as crystal to me and that was...

She's in love with Martin.

Kim kept on cursing herself and not even once blamed Martin for it. Not even when he forgot to once look back at her when he decisively decided to leave.

Sophie was done with her volleyball match and was totally unaware of what she had missed. I texted her to come asap and explained everything while Kim persistently sobbed on my shoulder. She just didn't stop.

My heart was squeezing inside. I couldn't see my best friend like that.

I asked Sophie to take her home, as I didn't drive myself a car and Kim had come with a driver who left once she entered the school. She's still learning to drive, tho'.

"You haven't even touched your food, yet." Justin dropped beside me, comfortably positioning himself with his elbow on the table and his chin in his palm, to have a full zoom of my face.

I dropped the fork I was holding and twirling around the dish and looked at him, "I lost my appetite." I shrugged and looked back at my full plate of pasta.

He scooted closer to me and draped his arm around my shoulder. "I know what you're thinking Elle. But, not every time especially, in this scenario you can't be the Night in the Shining Armour."

I rolled my eyes at him, as I couldn't find myself smiling.

"I am not and I don't even try to be... all I do is... mess things around."

He tilted his head and touched the side of his head against mine. "You don't. You just try to fix everything, Elle. But, not everything can be fixed until it wants to. You have a heart of gold. You helped that asshole even when he haunted us... you're a good person and you absolutely do not mess things."

Quickly, my cheeks were damped.

"Hey... we all are here for Kim and I promise to kick Martin's ass so awfully that that Bastard won't be able to sit for weeks." Amusement dripped down from his words and I couldn't help but, give him a small laugh.

I rubbed my temples and banged my head down on the table making sure I didn't ruin the pasta with my hair.



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