Chapter Thirty Eight- It's nothing. It doesn't matter

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Chapter Thirty Eight : It's nothing. It doesn't matter

"I need to talk to you." He said, once we were securely inside his apartment. He put the paper bags on the counter and ran a hand through his hair.

It was really cold in his apartment. Too cold.

"Me too..." I trailed and locked my eyes with his beautiful ones. No matter how much I tried to hate him, it just didn't work. Ever.

And the look in his eyes told me I wouldn't get to eat the food tonight.

He looked away, as he started, "Listen... I'm ready to apologize to you and Justin but, I need the money first."

So, we're on the square one again huh.

I didn't know my heart could feel the way it was feeling in that moment. Tears burned the back of my eyes.

"I want to talk about the other night." I blurted, before I could chicken out.

His jaw hardened as he ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"It was nothing. It doesn't matter." I knew and felt that he was lying. He had to. How could it not mean anything to him?

"You sure about that?" I asked, and before he could blink, I strode to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly slipped them into his mop of dark hair. His body stiffened beneath my touch, he tried to jerk back but, I had a strong grip.

I looked straight in his eyes and my heart almost exploded when his hand touched my waist, finally giving in, as he pulled me closer and crashed his lips to mine.

Our second kiss...

It was even more intense than the first one. And more perfect. It wasn't slow and deliberated. It was urgent and reckless and passionate. I got all my answers through it.

I pulled myself up with his help and wrapped my legs around his hips, deepening the kiss, while he slipped his tongue inside my mouth and started to have an already won war with mine.

It was more... more than just a kiss. It was so much more.

It was everything.

I could feel his anger, his frustration, and the war he was having with himself.

He threw whatever things was placed on the counter and laid me there, while carefully towering over me.

But, then we had to pull away for oxygen.

And I saw the wheels within his head starting churning "Michelle—"

I didn't gave him anytime before slamming my lips against his and pulling him on top of me. I wanted him to give in, completely. I wanted him to give us a chance.

He slipped his hand under my shirt causing me to moan and...

Then next second he had pulled away and crossed the room to get far away from me. He smashed the glasses placed on the coffee table with his hand, growling.

He's angry. No, he was ferocious.

I licked my lips tasting him, and straightened myself on to my feet, righting my shirt and hair.

My heart had never felt this crushed in my entire life.


"This won't work! Don't you see how different we are? We literally live in two different worlds for fuck's sake Michelle!!! This... can't happen." His voice was loud and harsh but really depressing. It seemed he was convincing him first then me.

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