Chapter Forty Three- Share the same oxygen as her

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Chapter Forty Three: Share the same oxygen as her

"Hey...." A voice came, breaking out all the butterflies which I had managed to bury somewhere deep down in me.

I glanced up and a smile automatically crawled up to my lips.

Can't help.

"Hey... Want to help?" I raised a brow, smirking. The formal was right on the corner and we still had decorations to complete.

He knelt in front of me, "Sure," He licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair. His jawline was sharp and angular, his hair messy, his hoodie clearly worn out. And then like my eyes had a mind of their own, they watched his pink lips, looking as inviting as always.

Shit! Look up to his eyes Elle, not lips...!!!

I bit my lower lip and managed to look down the work in my hands.

"It's looking beautiful." He said, surprising me.

I looked around the gym. The balloons, the silver dancing ball, the snowflakes for winter effect, and the lights, looked mesmerizing. The gym was decorated just like a bride on her wedding.

It was the work of my all team mates, even his.

"Thanks to all of you guys..."

"You did this, more than we." He said, without missing a beat, and then looked away.

"Uh...thanks." I hesitated and tried to pull some hair over my face to hide the color shading on my cheeks. Ugh!

Awkward! Awkward!

Extremely Awkward!!!!

"So, what happened last night? You sounded very low." I wouldn't say it was wise to change the topic to last night.

I told him everything. Even when I hated him, I had told him everything. He was one person, I just couldn't hide things from. Whom I wanted to tell things.

I avoided gazing up at him while I spoke, afraid I might pull him close and just kiss him right there.

Jeez, I need to leave.

"It must be hard for you, to you know say goodbye." Look...he's doing that again. He's saying things as if he understands me, like he knows me!!

I nodded and changed the subject because tears were trying to escape.

"So, are you going to winter formal?"

Someone please shut my mouth and if need be hit my head hard to shut it up too.

"Nah... I have work." He shrugged, playing with a threat poking from his knee.

"What work?"

I won't look up. No.

"The body shop, where I work. I'm kinda doing extra shifts right now. I want to get Kyle something good."

A pang hit my heart like a stupid pinch.

I nodded, not sure if he saw it.

His voice came just above a whisper, "And if you can find some time, would you—"

"Hey guys..." Kim chimed as she made her way inside the gym, cutting him off.

"Hi, I'm Kimmy Richards. Kim for you too." She said, extending her hand while he looked gobsmacked. He frowned at her as if she was joking.

"We haven't officially met." She explained, grinning, and I rolled my eyes.

I could tell he wanted to roll his eyes too but, he didn't safe choice. They shook hands like they were finalizing some business deal.

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