Chapter Eight- The Tragic death of Iphone 6s

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Chapter Eight: The tragic death of Iphone 6s.

The loud bang on my door became louder and louder in my head, causing me to yell on top of my lungs.

"Stop banging on my door, mom! I am up." I groaned and the door flung opened. Her heels scrapped against the marbled floor making loud noise, as she approached me.

Mom was in her usual formal dress, ready-to-go-office attire, when she sighed. "Good Morning elle. C'mon, look around it's a beautiful day. Sit back up, let me find you something to wear..."

I pressed my teeth together, as I opened my eyes after rubbing them. I yawned and stretched my muscles. I peeked towards the window, indeed, it was a beautiful summerish-winter day. Neither cold nor humidly hot.

"Oh, dear. You really need to shop... What do you think about this weekend? Just you and me..." She trailed in her chirpy voice, making me groan.

I know her too well to know what she's upto. Mrs. Reynold is buttering her daughter to get something out of her and she thinks she can do that by planning a shopping trip to Prada or Gucci. But, she's awfully wrong. Shopping doesn't make me happy anymore. I mean I still shop but, I don't know it kinda feels a little wastage...

Okay... just forget that I ever-ever said that.

I love shopping.

"Ya sure, mum. But, only if I won't have plans." I said in announcing tone and jumped off the bed to pull the curtains a little more away from the window, to get the cold air inside my room.

"Of course honey. And what do you say for a red dress?" She asked still going through my closet.

"Nah... blue sounds fine." I told after taking sip of water.

"No. You wear blue too often. Let's see if something else's could compete." To be fair, I didn't like where that conversation was going.

What did she wanted?

Last time I remember, she wanted me to attend one of her fashion shows just because one of her client was amazed by how beautiful I looked. He even hit on me when I went there. He was 22 and I was fifteen back then.

Grossly gross! I slapped him hard and got back home. I was little scared about how mom would react to all that but, she just gave me a fair warning and said, not to behave like that ever. I was expected to talk to her first and then do something—that too whatever she would have said.

I brushed off the memory thinking perhaps this time could be different. Maybe, she's not here to get something maybe she's just trying to be a mom to a seventeen year old.

I walked into the closet where I bumped into her, I just closed my eyes to rub a little and bam!

"Ow, mom! Careful... you almost killed me." I grumbled, still rubbing away the grogginess of last night.

Not to mention, I hardly slept.

"Don't exaggerate things, sweetheart. Now, come on, I have picked a perfect outfit for you."

She held my arm and grabbed me out. I plopped down on the bed and she situated herself beside me, comfortably.

I pulled out my phone from under my pillow and saw Kim's text from twenty minutes ago.

*Don' wait up, hon. I'm already at school. A friend gave me a ride.* I couldn't help but, give a cheeky smile at the mention of the 'Friend'. I bet it's a him. Oh, god! I can't wait to get to school and ask her like everything.

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