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I wrapped a scarf around my neck and stuck on a snapback before joining the lads outside. Zayn and Liam were pruning in the spa while Harry and Louis were sitting around the small fire they'd built in a rusty old bin, laughing about something they found amusing.

"If you're gonna laugh that hard you have to tell us, it's a rule, as of now," Liam declared from the spa, and Louis rolled his eyes but couldn't stop laughing.

"It's just this video someone tweeted, I'll retweet it and you guys can watch it," Louis chuckled, looking back down at his phone.

"It's someone with their feet in the arm holes of their jersey that just jumped out from under an inflated life raft, it's so hilarious," Harry said through his intense giggle fit.

"You guys find the weirdest shit funny," I teased, shaking my head at the two.

"Come over here," Louis said, patting the seat beside him.

I rolled my eyes but stepped around the fire to sit beside Louis who handed me his phone and pressed play on the video. It started, and there was an inflated life raft sitting on a hard wood floor, and suddenly it flipped over and out jumped this person with their feet in their arm holes, dancing to Under The Sea, and I couldn't help but crack a smile, and by the time it finished I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe properly.

"You alright there mate?" Liam asked from his spot in the spa, but I didn't have the breath to answer him.

"Our case is rested," Harry smirked, and Louis grinned at him.

"Okay, I'm changing the subject because this just popped into my head, but what was up with that guy on the beach today? I mean yeah he got hit in the head with a ball but he looked tough enough to get over it rather than look like he was about to bite Niall's head off," Louis said suddenly, arching his eyebrows in confusion and my laughter cut off almost instantly.

"We raced each other into the water and Niall wacked into his girlfriend and was giving her heart eyes which this guy didn't seem to like, and he seems like he's got a fuse about as short as his dick to be honest," Liam shrugged, and I actually snorted at his comment, and Harry's lips pulled up in the corner which he tried unsuccessfully to hide.

"That dark haired girl? She was pretty cute," Louis said, waggling his eyebrows at me.

"I know, right? But she's got a boyfriend who seems like he'd kill anyone that made any kind of move on her,"I told him, shrugging to make it seem like it didn't matter as much as it really did.

"Honestly I feel like that's the only reason she'd still be with him, he seems like an absolute wanker and she was real sweet to us. She's probably scared of him," Zayn put in, and those words sent chills down my spine.

The thought of Lacey being too scared to get herself away from him made my stomach churn, she was too lovely to be stuck with a guy like Gavin.

"Let's just talk about something else, yeah?" I suggested, getting up and walking back inside and into the kitchen where I leaned on the counter and let out a heavy sigh.

I heard the footsteps of someone following me and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. Being hassled about Lacey and Gavin was the last thing I wanted.

"Niall?" Harry asked quietly, and I turned to face him slowly.

The genuine concern and care on his face made me sigh again. There was no way I was getting away with keeping the things I was feeling to myself, especially when Harry looked at me like that.

"It scares you, that he might be abusing her, because even though you only just met her you've never felt like that about someone before and you think she could be the one," Harry said, basically boiling down exactly what I was thinking into a simple sentence. 

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