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Niall's p.o.v

My hands were shaky and my breath was coming in short, sharp gasps. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to do this, get down on one knee and ask Lacey to marry me. 

She was on the other side of the door, changing into the dress her and Harry and discovered on the shopping trip earlier, and I felt more nervous than I had in my entire life. The door could open any moment, and everything would just turn into a blurry mess.

"Niall, everything's set up, so we'll see you out there soon," Harry said, hurrying down the stairs.

"Okay," I nodded, watching him run out the sliding door and towards the back garden which they'd set up for the occasion.

My legs were like jelly, and I had to lean against the wall to keep on my feet. With every second that passed, it was just another moment closer to the door opening, and me seeing Lacey in the dress I would marry her in.

"Niall?" I heard her say through the door.

"Yeah Lace?" I asked, digging my hand into my pocket where the velvet box sat that held the ring.

"I wanna tell you something," she said  quietly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Niall, everything is more than okay.. everything is perfect, because I have you, and the boys, and I know that sounds so cheesy and I haven't even known you all that long, but I feel like I've known you my whole life, and Niall I love you with every piece of me and I can't put it into words how much I do love you. I just need you to know that I love you more than words can express, and I love you more than there is sand on that beach, or stars in the sky," she told me, her voice shaking.

My breath hitched in my throat, and I had to blink my eyes rapidly to clear them of the mist. Slowly I lowered myself onto one knee, and looked up at the closed door.

"Lacey, my love for you is deeper than any ocean, and I feel the exact same way, like I've known you every day of my life, and have been in love with you for every second of those days. I can't even begin to explain how beautiful you are to me, and your smile makes me the happiest person in the whole world, and your laugh makes my whole body feel so warm, and you make me feel so special, and like I have so much worth, and I love you so much for that. You are perfect to me, in every way you possibly could be. I'm head over heels in love with you, and I fall for you a little more every day, and I have no desire to ever stop falling. Lacey.. can you open the door?"

I heard the door handle turn, and it slowly creaked open. I looked up at Lacey who was biting her lip and had tears welling in her eyes, and a few streaks down her rosy cheeks. She'd put her hair into a low bun, and she knew how much I loved to see her hair off her face. The dress she was in was something so beautiful that I was glad I was already on one knee, otherwise I didn't know how I would have coped, trying to stay on my feet. It was a pastel pink that almost matched the tie around my neck, and the top was coated in silver sequins that drifted down to her waist where they died off into the rest of the material that looked softer than a cloud, and more free than the wind. It was beautiful, and she was beautiful, and as my eyes rose back up to hers, my heart started beating faster. Her eyes widened as the realization of the situation kicked in, and I knew I had to ask.

"Lacey Jackson, will you do the honour of marrying me?" I whispered.

"Niall," she sobbed, dropping to her knees and pulling me into her arms.

"Is it safe to take that as a yes?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"Oh my god, yes of course Niall," she laughed, pressing a kiss to each of my cheeks before connecting her lips with mine.

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