My Dork

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July 15th, 2016

"Justin! Justin s-stop!" I giggled squirming around trying to get from his grasp. "Not until you say it!" He demanded with the biggest smile. I couldn't stop my giggles, they were starting to hurt, but I will not give him the satisfaction of saying something so childish. "N-no!" I squealed. "Suit yourself," he started playfully pecking my cheeks and forehead, tickling my sides more.

I squirmed some more and couldn't handle the hurt in my chest from laughing so much, "fine! You're the hottest best friend in the world!" I caved.

"See, now was that so hard?" He haulted the tickling.

"Painfully," I answered dramatically.

He was still sitting on me with his inner thighs on either side of mine. We looked at each other for a moment and I swear there is a little sparkle in his eyes when he smiles at me. "What?" I asked, feeling my cheeks ping a pink colour.

"Nothing, just- nothing." He smiles then gets off of me. I frowned when his warmth was removed from my body but quickly recovered. He laid beside me, facing me.

We lay there looking at each other again and this time, the butterflies in my tummy fluttered harder and my cheeks heated up a brighter pink. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned back.

"I asked you first," I smiled childishly.

He licked his lips then away from me, "Because you're beautiful," he confessed.

For a second or two, my heart skipped a beat then rapidly beat against my chest. I smiled like a school girl when her crush finally notices her. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked so adorable being so vulnerable to his feelings. I have always had feelings for him. I care about him more than I care about myself. And I'm not wrong to say I know he cares about me the same way. I would do anything for him.

He finally looks back up after the silence. Once he sees the smile plastered across my face, his expression went from nervous to confused. "What?" He asks me this time.

I licked my lips, "nothing, just... You're the hottest best friend in the world," I giggled, "no but truly, you're beautiful, Justin," I blushed as soon as those words left my lips.

And as soon as those words left my lips, his were on mine. It was sweet and not rushed. It was genuine and compassionate. The right amount of intimacy.

"Be mine. Be my girlfriend, Y/n." He mumbles against my lips. I smiled then kissed him again. "I'll take that as a yes?" "That's a yes," I muttered before I tangles my legs with his, cuddling up into him.

His hands started rubbing soft circles on my back as we cuddled. This had always soothed me and Justin is the one who figured it out for me. I smiled, "you remember."

"Of course I do. This always calmed you," he kissed the top of my head and continued the circular motions. I was easily warmed, and definitely calmed. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, "I wanna take a nap," I mumbled trying not to giggle. He chuckles, "then go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake." He whispers.

"Okay. Good nap, ugly," I giggled, pressing my lips innocently to his neck.

"Good nap to you too, beautiful," he chuckles softly.

K. That's fucking goals 👆 I wish I had that. How are you guys liking the book? I'm not trying to do ALL sexual content. I kind of want to do cute, sad, kinky type scenarios.

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