All Bad

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The last puff of tobacco smoke left his soft, pink lips as he stood outside of a gentlemen's club. The dim lighting only casted the shadow of his brow line, the point of his nose and the pucker of his bottom lip leaving a mysterious draw to his figure. Dropping the finished cigarette to the cold pavement, he stomps and puts out the last of the ignited bud and waiting another two minutes before entering the club.

His hands buried in the front pocket of his hoodie, he pulled out a wad of cash and served the usher his pay to enjoy the show.

Dancing girls filled the room and the smell of liquor and overbearing, floral perfume invaded Jason's nostrils, could almost taste the chemicals in the back of his throat.

A dancer, possibly early twenties, made her approach towards Jason in a flirtatious manner, "would you like a dance? Complementary, for free if you'd like." She smiles.

"Trust me, baby. You need all the money you can get. Just take this, I don't want anything from you." Jason answers coldly as he hands her two fifty dollar bills. "Consider going back to school, I'm sure you have great potential."

The dancer, who's name was still unknown didn't know whether or not to take offense to his emotionless words, so she nods and walks away nimbly.

He just wasn't feeling it tonight. Nothing irked, perked or intrigued his sex at all. This had gone on for a while; this dry spell pissed him off so he shut out any chance he had at a one night stand and soon regretted his choice of words as any lay would walk away.

In comes his friends, Adam, Chance and Leland with nasty drunk grins on their faces, all with eyes like beasts to their prey.

Jason made his presence and his friends hollered and hooted as Jason slapped on a fake grin, "did you already get some ass, man?" The tall blonde, Leland asks with a raise of the brow.

Jason shakes his head in reply, "no, not yet." He answers. He didn't know if he really wanted to fuck some random stripper tonight. As opose to any other night, he'd usually pick up a common whore or a colleague's wife.

Jason knows and is proud of his repuration with the ladies. He knows how good and how bad he can be.

"We are not leaving this club until you find yourself a bitch to go home with." Leland says.

"I don't bring my one night stands home, fucktard." Jason replies, rolling his eyes and shivering at the thought of waking up with a whore in his sheets.

"You know what I meant, jack ass. Now go get some ass, I'm going to be over here with the red heads." Leland points his finger in the direction of the red haired dancers.

The guys eventually split up to their individual areas as Jason made his way to the bar. Maybe if he drank a little bit, it'll help loosen him up, make it easier to find a hook up. He sat at the bar for a good four minutes, eye balling the rim of the glass in boredom.

"Draz, can you get me a gin and tonic and a Shirley temple, please?" A girl asks kindly next to Jason. The sound of her voice instantly caught Jason's attention. It was sweet, but assertive. He looks to his left and sees a girl. She's not hot, but she's hard not to look at. She had soft features, her skin clear of any blemishes, acne, scars. Her eyelashes long, full and dark flickered as she bats her eyes open and close. Her lips a soft pale pink and plumpy, looked so kissable, Jason licked his at the thought of touching hers with his. And this was just the view of her side profile.

She's simply beautiful.

He knew she could feel him staring at her. She didn't need to look over, or side eye him once to know that he was making her a little bit uncomfortable.

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