Make Up (part three)

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August 29th, 2016

// I'll probably get in trouble for that pic... Oops. Anywhore, let's get to it... The moment all y'all horny bastards are waiting for ;) ...don't hate me, I love y'all ❤

Your POV

Fire. My body felt as if I was burning; the ache of lust, need and desire seared through me. His every touch, how his eyes bored into mine with great passion and how his tight grip of my hands were. I couldn't help myself after he was done speaking. I didn't realize I needed him so badly. It had been a year. I didn't esny to own up to missing him... At least not now. I blamed it on the year long of no sex. No sexual contact. It didn't set well with me when ever I thought about sleeping with another man.

His lips tasted of mint and cigarettes. That's new. I kind of liked it. "Since when did you start smoking?" I giggled.

"Oh, you can taste that?" He asked, "I picked up a bad habit. I thought the gum-" "Justin it's fine." I stopped him from speaking any further, claiming his lips with my own.

His tongue darted into my mouth meeting mine. I was so into the moment, not wanting anything to stop what I've desired most. I still love this man. And I should hate myself for loving him so damn much, it hurts. He has his hooks so damn deep into my heart, I hadn't realized it as I hated the thought of him all year long. The second I saw him, believe me, I really wanted to run and jump into his arms. Have him hold me there and protect me forever. But my anger and agony had the best of me.

My skin crawled with chills as his hands slid up my shirt, softly caressing my waist before testing his luck with my bra. I didn't mind, I moaned for him to keep going. I needed to feel him. I wanted more of him.

"Bedroom," his voice husked making my insides flutter. I nodded slightly. His hands found themselves at the back of my thighs, making me giggle as he lifted me up and around his torso. My body clung to his warmth, my lips finding his jaw kissing along the structured line. He grumbled a look little growl, "I need to focus on getting to the room, baby girl."

I didn't care, I just wanted to be close as possible, taste all I've missed all year long. God, I just wanted to scream because how much I missed his stupid ass. So instead, I whimpered, moaned for more attention. "Patience, baby. I promise you, I'll give you what you want."

I felt like crying. I don't know why, I just felt the need to cry. My heart hiccupped the second my body was against a mattress. Unlocking my legs from around him, my hips bucked upwards involuntarily as his lips made contact with my neck. Wet kisses and cool air waved over my body as chills washed over my needing body. "Justin, please," I'm desperate. Honestly for once in my life, I felt so damn desperate for a mans touch.

"God, Y/n. I've missed you too fucking much," he breathes as his lips continue to attack my neck. I'm a moaning mess, I craved his every touch, my body yearned for Justin. And only Justin. Only he knew what my body could handle.

Minutes passed as also along with pieces of our clothing. He wasn't rough with me, he was gentle but with enough flare to excite me more.

Both of us panting, I felt him centering himself. I sucked in a breath, and as I did he pressed himself into me making me squeak. It had been a long time since I've last had sex. And I'm sure Justin is aware considering he was being slow but sensual. "Fuck Y/n,"

My body was unfamiliar, but soon recognized Justin's size, easing his way into me. Good God, I've missed his cock so much

My nails dragged down his shoulder blades and in return, he hissed and rammed himself into me.

Our bodiesoved together perfectly. His warm body was damp against mine as we sweat it out. Out of breath, I felt myself clenching. Oh come on, I know I can last longer

I began squeaking and moaning at the same time while he hit certain spots in me making my body convulses. "Fuck, Justin! I'm gonna cum! Shit, shit, fuck!" My legs squeezed around his torso as I tried to hold it in only for him to speed up, "cum, cum Y/n."

I screamed feeling him ram himself in and out of me. He was doing it for me; like how he would always do so. He pleasured me twice or more before he gives in. I love him in bed. He always treated me well accordingly.

His thrusts became slower and sloppier. Not that I mind, I was riding out my high feeling more than satisfied. "Shit Y/n. It's been a while, I can't... last any longer," his voice strained as he came seconds later. Feeling him shoot up into me made me feel alive. I couldn't ask for anything more sensual.

He mumbled a small sorry. Not exactly sure why he's sorry.

"For what?"

"Everything. Just everything I've done. And for not letting you orgasm more than once. I've been abstinent for a year as well. I couldn't find myself bedding another woman without thinking of you, if I'm gonna be honest. I was a selfish dick, unfair to you, inconsiderate of your feelings. I fucked up bad." He muttered at a distance from me, "I feel like I don't even deserve to touch you right now."

I am - for once - at loss for words. I didn't know what to say or how to answer to that.

I can see it - he feels guilty and mad with himself.

I can't for give him so quickly. He has a yeses worth of making it up to me.

"You know, I've loved you for you Justin. And I've spent a miserable, lonely year trying to figure out why you left. I tried hating you. I tried forgetting you and moving on. But u couldn't bring myself to doing so. I still love you, Justin. I just- I font know if I could trust you." I mumbled the last part, my heart noe aching because it's just so hard on me to think I can't trust the man I love.

"I know. You have every right to not trust me. I hurt you. I get it. But I will do everything in my power to make it up to you." He looked me in the eye with his glossy hazel eyes. Redness formed around his eyes and nose and his lips began to redden and swell- he was going to cry.

I wanted to tell him not to cry- but he has a right to do so.

A tear slipped and I crawled over to him to stop it. I straddled his lap wiping the tesr away with my thumb. I quickly pecked his lips once before kissing him fully, framing his face in my palms.

He had a firm grip on my hips, pulling me closer to him. "I've missed you, Y/n. And it hurts knowing I don't have all of you; your trust in me. I need it, Y/n. I fucking need you and I promise, I will never ever fuck up again. Not on purpose though- I might fuck up some meals," making me giggle,"- but other than that, I'm all yours. At your every command. I love you, Y/n."

I don't know if its because of the loss of him in my life, or because I was just to easily forgiving; but I know I need him as well. I'm not myself without him.

Okay. This was a shitty smut, I was rushing because it had been a long ass time of writers block and school. Ergh. Anyways, I hope this was okay for a last part... Idk. I feel like I'll probably go back and edit it to be more sexual than sensual. Or is the gentle intimacy okay???


Besides, I'm not too particularly happy with our little Justin. Just thinking about sleeping with him right now seems legit, but st the same time, I don't want to be one of those girls added to his list of 'humped and dumped'... That's not me.

As many times I say I would let him ravish my body any way, any where he wants.. I'm totally lying out of my fat ass. I have morals and self respect. I don't let some Greek god deshevel my dignity and pride. Pft.

If he wanna fuck, he best be, one, a gentleman, two, we best have been dating longer than a week *cough cough* hoe ass Sofia *HACK HACK COUGH GAG*


Anyways. Not about me, it's about yalls enjoyment.

Check out 'Candy - Texting Anonymous' ???

That's all my little murder bunnies ❤


Forgive me of there are any spelling or grammatical errors.

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