Forget Her.

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It was almost dawn when Justin crawled back into bed. He had emailed his team, informing that he'd rather a late start than not have a wink of sleep. Because grumpy Justin, is not a Justin they'd want to deal with on such a busy schedule. A few hours of sleep will do.

As soon as his head hit the feather pillow, he yawns and grabs onto Y/n's warm little body before slowly closing his eyes. Y/n was sound asleep. She waited for him, but couldn't wait any longer. She wanted to talk, but she figured Justin needed his alone time. She had made a mental note to bring up what had happened last night.

She knew it would start a fight, but she needed to know what exactly was happening before she made any real decisions. She went to sleep crying and Justin never knew. Nor would he ever find out. She hoped.

Hours pass and the sun was at it's eight o'clock peak. It shines through the curtains in their room, brightening up the ivory walls, glaring off the picture frames.

Y/n had been awake for awhile. She was in Justin's arms, watching him sleep this time. He has dark circles under his eyes, he was dead to the world asleep. His lips were seperated as he breathed heavily. He was still, limp like a brick. Usually, she'd be the one to wake up to his bright eyes, goofy smile and he'd whisper sweet nothing's to her in the morning.

This time, it was her turn to admire such a broken man. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to dating Justin five months ago. Doesn't seem long, but they've known each other long before they dated. She learns more and more about him, and she loves yhe knowledge she pertains from or about him. One thing she doesn't like about him is that he doubts himself. He overworks himself, then completely forgets things. He puts his mind to something and doesn't stop thinking or doing things until he feels it has been justified to his liking.

He's insecure. He's afraid of being alone.

She knows this.

She smiles sadly as she brought her hand featherly to his face, tracing her palm around the structures frame. 'How can someone so beautiful, be so broken?' She thought.

Who hurt him this bad?

The name Veronica came to mind. So did all his other ex's, but last night Veronica had triggered memories only Justin can remember. Of vourse, Y/n had met Veronica once or twice. She was always busy with her own life, she barely had time for Justin. That was one problem they had. Justin used to talk to Y/n about her, he would rant and vent at her, tell her that Veronica isn't who she used to be.

Veronica wasn't famous before he had met her. He got her modeling deals, recording sessions, you name it. She had it all with Justin. You'd think she'd be grateful and humble of these gifts... but no. Veronica wanted more, so she did the rest herself. Now she lives lavishly, confident in herself that she doesn't need Justin anymore and that she'd be able to do what ever she pleased with the fortune she has.

Y/n's head was full to the brim with reasons why she dislikes such selfish characteristics and reasons to never take what Justin had offered.

He has yet to learn that Y/n isn't a materialistic girl. She doesn't want gifts or his money. She just wants his time, his love and his company. She only wants what comes from his heart, pure love and nothing more. Nothing less. That's all she ever wanted.

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