Daddy's Girl

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The hurt I felt from this rejection stung. He has never denied me before, ignored me for this long- or ever.

Is daddy not happy with me anymore?

"Baby girl," his voice faint behind the closed door. I sat quietly, which is probably a bad idea because when he addresses me, I am to listen and have my full attention to him. But I'm mad at daddy. If he thinks he can ignore me, then I'll do the same.

At least I can get some sort of attention that way. I might be a bad girl right noe, but at least he'll punish me for being defiant. Spank me, daddy.

"Sweetheart? Are you awake?" The door opens and in pops his beautiful head. I look his way just for a split second and my heart melts. His eyes curious but full of sadness. My heart may be fluttering, but I can't help but pout. The frown on my face My st be noticeable because daddy walks in with a frown as well, "Baby girl, please don't be mad at daddy. I'm sorry I've been extra busy and I'm a horrible man for ignoring your needs, princess. I promise you, I'll make it up. Smile for daddy, I hate seeing my baby so sad."

I couldn't muster a grin, but my frown slowly become a line, "you've been bad, daddy. Who's to punish you when you misbehave?"

"This is punishment enough, baby. I dont want to see you sad."

I shook my head, "but, sir you've really hurt me."

"Sir?" He repeated my words, sadness was evident in his features, but his voice was taken aback. "You don't call me sir, ever."

I swallow the lump in my throat trying to find a way to get out of this stuff moment, "sorry, I uh, I'm... I'm just really mad at you."

"I'm trying to make you feel better, Y/n. Tell me what you want." He never says my name, it sounds so foreign coming from him. He always calls me baby girl or sweetheart or angel. He only addresses me by my surname when he's serious.

I frown again, "are you not happy with me anymore?" I mumbled. A searing pinch at my heart, I hoped he would say otherwise. The idea of losing him hurts.

I hope he feels the same... God, I can only hope and pray.

"Sweetheart, I never want to hear you doubt my love for you. I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine. I am the happiest man on this planet with you in my life. I have never met someone so loyal, so willing, so loving of someone like me. I don't deserve you, but I sure as hell will fight for you if it means I get to be the reason for youe smile, your laugh, your kindness. I love you, Y/n. And I will make it up to you, my princess. I promise." He pulls me close and my once tense body melted into his warm embrace and I was no longer mad. His words were so honest and so heart warming, I couldn't help but let the hurt melt away. I feel safe in his arms, as if he was guarding me from all the world's evil.

"I love you, too."

We sat in silence, enjoying the warmth we had between us. No words, just small kisses and smiles.

I thought about us- our situation. Not that I don't enjoy being treated as a princess; endless gift, spoiling me, treating me with care, even the punishments. I love his 'daddy' tendencies. They're not only such a turn on, but it teaches me such discipline and I need that in my life.

But there has veen moment where I want to try a normal relationship... I question my submission sometimes and deep down I feel like I'd make Daddy upset if I call him anything other than "Daddy". I dont want to upset him, but sometimes, I get tired of the daddy dominance and want to try something normal. Like... regular people sex.

I know it says to trust daddy and to always be honest with daddy, but what if I push him passed his own boundaries and he doesn't want to be with me anymore? I don't want to lose him, but I'm slowly losing my mind due to this child-like mental.

I don't know if I can do or be what he wants.

"What's on your mind, little one?" His voice croaks tiredly while brushing fingers along the side of my head, very faintly tugging strands between the pad of his thumb and forefinger. I smile, "nothing, daddy."

"You're lying to me, princess," He says softly, inhaling as he pulls me closer -if possible- and kisses my head, "tell me." Framing my figure into his. I felt his heartbeat pounding through his chest through my back. I also felt his cock twitch. It made me smile a smirk. "Nothing, daddy." I giggle and wiggle my bum.

"Is that what you were thinking of? Naughty girl, Y/n." He kisses my neck causing chills to run up and down my spine. "No, daddy, I wasn't thinking that- well, I was but not just a minute ago."

"Then tell me, baby. You gotta communicate with me and tell daddy what you want." He reminds. My heart stammered.

Would what I want cost me the attention he gives me?

"Uhm, can... can we... uh-", he cuts me off, "baby, don't be so nervous to ask me a question. Trust, remember?" He kisses the top of my hand and the softness of his warm lips made the butterflies in my stomach flutter. My heart picked up its pace as the words left my lips, "can we try making love?"

He was silent but only for a few seconds. "I'd love to make love to you, baby girl."

It wasn't as intense as sex with him would usually be, but there was enough intimacy to make my toes curl, my skin crawl with goosebumps and the love I have for him intensify. For once, I feel not only taken care, but more loved and desired.

Moaning his name instead of 'daddy' felt odd, but more personal. I feel closer to him than I have ever before... like, I know him. Not daddy.

"I want you to look at me when you cum, sweetheart. I love watching you come undone." His voice raspy and tired, but still manage to make me come closer to my orgasm. His lips then smothered mine, "cum for me."

I was cumming. His cock dragged in and out of me slowly as my climax had reached its peak. My eyes heavy as I try to give him what he wants. His gaze darkening as he watched me come undone beneath him. "You're so beautiful," he breathes, "I love you, Y/n." Thrusting once more, his orgasm fills me up. "I love you, Justin." I mimic, feeling my heart set at ease, soaking in the emotion. Feels right to say it and actually mean it.

Coming down from the high, my body rests easily in his arms. I feel safe, I feel home in his company.

I don't know how to explain to simplicity I feel. I feel I can trust myself with him again. I could be making a damn stupid decision. "Gets bomb dick once and she head over heels for him" sounds about right.

He is good to me. He treats me right. I may get a little stubborn here and there. Hell, so does he. Aside from the Daddy-Little Girl relationship we have, he truly is a great boyfriend.

•     •

Alrighty. So obviously it's been a long long long time since I've last updated. This part had been deleted numerous times due to lack of detail, tremendous amount of grammatical errors, not being saved, etc. I've been going through a hard time thay I've almost given up writing completely.

I'm not okay with that.

Why? Because reading and writing had always been a positive outlet for me. Recently, More so over the past few months, I have had access to all negative coping methods. I had access to weed (which is not the problem), alcohol, careless affairs.... Ya girl isn't as good as she thinks she is... But that's beside the point... I had access to all things that I forbid myself from ever doing again and it all slowed me down emotionally and mentally. I put my needs aside for others. I've lost friends I've had for years. There's just bwwn so much going on, it's exhausting to think about and explain.

I really should stop complaining though. I'm back and hopefully get better with time.

I adore you guys. Thank you so much for being patient with me and being there for me. Means a lot knowing some people actually care for my well being lol

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