The Stage

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It has been over two hundred and fifty years since the world was normal. Since men and women would come together in a monogamous relationship and have male or female children to continue humanity. Of course, you had your same sex couples, but that didn't cause our problems. The men and women who wanted to control how people could be together, how they would live, in both relations, health and religion. They were the downfall to society.

The change of the world started with simple yet harmful acts. same sex couples, though making great headway in gaining acceptance were set even further back, thanks to religion and ignorance. Any religion not seen as right was cause for dismissal of jobs and of life, people were killed in the street, places of worship were attacked. It was all not helped by the leader of the United States during that time, he encouraged rioting with his words, encouraged discrimination by setting an example, publicly demeaned reporters especially of the female sex. That was where this all started, unfortunately it spread like a plague, people from all over the globe started following suit, people became more selfish and banded together to snuff out what they felt was wrong. It all had gone too far before people realized that they were wrong. It didn't help that a strange illness began spreading over the globe, causing tension in all aspects of society, this only helped to fuel the selfishness that society was beginning to be about.

Sure, people tried to fight back, but people lost track of caring, everything became a fight between left and right. Conspiracy verses fact. Thinking began to shift to what was right and what was wrong, there was no in-between. No talking to the other side or having views from both sides. Families began breaking up, friendships we lost.

Eventually one side would win, their instruction would become the norm. Soon they would be able to turn those into laws. No same sex marriage, no other religions except for strict Christianity, medical procedures were soon to be seen as a defiance of Gods will, surgeries and treatments for all diseases and conditions began to become illegal. Women began dying more in childbirth or committing suicide due to being forced to carry a child, the numbers of unwanted children began to climb. People, adults and children alike that would use to be considered cured from certain cancers were now given a death sentence with their diagnoses, heart disease and other commonly found conditions in older adults started making the lifespan of a human shorter, reverting to a time before civilization came to the medical advancements as it all was seen as an interference of God's plan.

Eventually no one alive knew what life was like before, except for few books and scripture, as most of the books and tales of fantasy were erased from time. Jules Vern lost to bon fires, Shakespear also took up in crimson flecks of the fire's breath. No Harry Potter or Fifty Shades of Grey, or even Stephan King they were all lost, reduced to nothing but ash blowing off into the wind. These books being lost in history led way to a new way of thinking, new laws and rules on how society should and would be ran to help continue the human existence. Knowledge itself was nothing more than a word, original thought and acceptance of all was changed to nothing more than a joke to pass time.

Conspiracy theories and ignorant thought changed the world, the "What if society" of people took over the world thanks to fear and the need to control, they did this in the name of freedom, but by doing this they gave up the very freedom they were trying to protect.

The human population, what is left of it, now lives in a bleak shadow of once was a great changing and thriving world. Cities no longer stand tall, many of the bigger centers now baren wastelands as they were home to domestic wars and mass genocide. Multiple communities still exist today, but very few in comparison, communities now scatter the globe taking residence in the villages and towns that were lucky enough to not have everything destroyed. Most of the Northern hemisphere is not able to be inhabited due to the cold, people only going North to gather food with hunting and gathering parties in the spring till fall.

The last known census of the human population on the planet Earth was Seven point four billion and climbing. Was estimated to be ten billion by the year 2056. It was some time after that last known census that things began to change and the population began to decline and eventually even more rapidly, with the destruction of cities, and larger populated areas. The year is now 2309, estimated human population of the world is seven hundred and fifty thousand, stable since the year 2200. As if the world is on hold. Population growth is no more, all people can do is to continue to try and maintain the current population.

During the population decline the mass killings, wars and genocides started and soon they were happening all over the world. Dropping the population every day. The functionality of society began declining. Health care became scarcer. The knowledge of how to treat some of the most basic illnesses also began to be lost in a swirl of time mixed with false information and often immoral but churched approved treatments, social media became where people received all their information from at least while it was still working. Key board warriors, people with Google PHDs and self-proclaimed naturopaths.

The Right Human Rights Activists were created, they were a collection of people that would help run the world. Telling people how to treat things, how to live, how to do everything in one's life. The RHRA were able to control every aspect from birth to death.

Soon because of the influence of the RHRA it became too much of a hassle to have children. As how to raise them was not your choice, you were required to follow the guidelines, or rather laws, of the RHRA. Medical decisions for your own children were put to a vote, however if you voted against what the RHRA wanted you likely would find yourself next on the elimination list.

As a result of everything, known and unknown less and less men were being born. Soon about one male baby was born in every hundred births. You would think that this would be OK. Just get everyone pregnant and poof instant population boom. But people still wanted power, and to control. The RHRA would eventually fade out of existence.

This all resulted in a new society and a new social structure was formed. Though the RHRA has been long gone for a hundred or so years many of their beliefs and morals that they pushed on society are still a large part of today's culture. With new rules, mainly of which only pertained to women. It was at this time the mines were created, created to gather various things to help build homes and structures in today's society.

The workers in the mines consisted of people who decided to break the rules of life, often these workers would be women. Though if no workers were needed then the woman would be terminated, or if her crime was great enough, however it was very rare that a worker was needed.

Rules consisted of the following.

*All girls at the age of ten would be required to be sent to Auction and be trained to become a proper wife. Unless wanted by a man from another house before being trained.

*Any woman that was not able to bare young by the age of twenty.

*Any woman that did not find men attractive.

*Any woman that spoke out against the leader, or a man. Punishment is at the Males discretion.

*Any woman that has a baby born with any kind of disfigurement or abnormalities. Woman is classed as being unfit to procreate, and baby was to be terminated on sight.

*Any woman that a man has deemed unfit to procreate, for whatever the reason is, is dealt with at the man's discretion.

*Only the leader of the family may grant relations prior to the girl being sent to Auction. The leader is deemed as the oldest male of a family line, once a male has a male child a new family line is created, with said male as the leader.

*Every male can take as many women for wives as they want, however a minimum of two women per male must be upheld. The leader of the family must have a minimum of ten wives that must be upheld. New leaders of the family have two years to obtain up to the minimum women.

*All women must fallow any rules that are also added by any husband and/or leader of the family, punishment for alternate rules is at the rule makers discretion.

*No man may lay with another man.

People of course still died of common illnesses thanks to the downfall of modern medicine. Homeopathic remedies only would go so far, even with that a lot of the information has been lost on mankind much like all other information.

Though there are many rules it is all up to the men to police them, to judge those breaking them, and to create them.


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