Entry #4

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Year Two ~ Sex education and Punishment

Year two would come quickly, we are all one year older, now eleven years of age. One year of washing piles of dishes and clothing by hand took its toll, our fingers now carried callouses and dry skin from being in water often. Year two will be different, as most grunt work was saved for the girls entering year one, we only had to now worry about our own laundry and dishes. Turns out there were six auction houses, all the same, each year one is emptied as the girls get placed and picked up by their new husbands. Resulting in the following intake of girls to fill it within the month after, which meant we did not need to move houses for the new girls.

I remember how thrilled I was when we entered year two, no more washing, and we get to learn about reproduction and womanhood in much more details. Though I was nervous on what this would all entail I was excited to learn how I would give my future husband sons. Entering the learning hall ready and willing along with one hundred and five girls from my intake year, you could feel the excitement. We sadly lost forty-five girls during the first year, by illness or even by punishment. Overhearing some of the women talking resulted in my learning that only about half of the girls survive till the final year.

Never seeing the first years, I knew I must have a sister in that year, unless she passed away from an illness. I however will never know, as we do not have contact with other girls outside of our intake year. The only way I would ever see any of my siblings again is if we happened to get chosen by the same husband. I still wished her and the others luck.

The first classes were talking about the red flow that women get once a month that they were not with child. Having to many episodes of the red flow can mean certain death to the woman, as if you were to have to many it means you are not procreating. If one were not with child by the time that they reached the age of twenty they would be terminated and labeled infertile. Also having to many between pregnancies can be cause for punishment or death as women have one roll in life, to give their husband sons. Some of the girls have already started getting their monthly red flow, others like myself would get them over the next year or two.

During the time of the red flow, we were told and taught how we must please our husband, in any way he may wish. Oral satisfaction is the most often of choices. This was done as the need to keep his sperm count at adequate numbers is needed to improve your chance at getting pregnant. This was especially needed if you were a wife of a non-leader as they often had less wives to pleasure them resulting in the need to maintain the sperm count during non-fertile times or if all the women the man had were pregnant.

Though the class on sexual education was informative, it left some bad nightmarish memories. For they would bring in elderly men who no longer lead or are no longer able to impregnate their wives, they would stand or sit or even lay all in the nude, while the women leading the class would explain and show how we would go about tending to our husband's needs. The worse part was that we had to practice oral techniques, never sex as that was deemed special only for our future husbands' pleasure. It gave me nightmares for years, and to hope to be pregnant all the time and always have sister wives that were needing to be pregnant to never deal with oral pleasuring of a man again.

Another thing we learned that second year was how procreation happened, though demonstrations would not happen this year as we learned a lot. How it was up to the woman to turn the man's sperm into a baby by joining it together with her egg. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and how to deal with them. Most of all we were told not to complain especially to your husband. Lastly, we were told how to give birth. Many of the things we were to learn in the second year we would go on to learn them in more depth and shown more details over the next few years.

Amongst all the sexual education, we also continued our childcare teachings which were started in the first year. It all was a very full, remarkably busy year. One that would always hold a part of my memory. For the most part though year two was an easy year. We only lost twenty girls in year two compared to the forty-five girls in year one, now we were down to eighty-five girls.

Beth, one of the girls in my room was one of the twenty. She mouthed off during one of the oral lessons. Saying how if she were forced to satisfy by preforming oral, she would bite it off. Any threat to a man is seen as high treason and a danger to humankind. She was sentenced to death that very day, which was by stoning. They brought in boys and men from the area ranging from ten up to sixteen, the sixteen-year-old men though were there getting their first wives and joined in on the punishing. We, the second year that is, were all made to watch. Watching her be tied and rocks pelting off her body was hard, I flinched with every hit. Eventually she was gone, nothing but a limp body, blood dripping to the ground. Though a gruesome way to die, she should have known better and should never threaten a man.

Till our next meeting.


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