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Thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoyed my little creation. It was the first time I have written something like this. Though I do love my other story this one will be very dear to me for a multitude of reasons.

'Why?' has always been my favorite question. I would get in trouble for asking. One thing I would get told was 'Why is a letter, not a word.' As much as I love the person who would tell me this it affected me. Though it made me want to ask more. My 'Why' turned to 'How come?' I was determined.

To look for the why can give you so many answers. If I had to wish for two things it would be for Judgment of others to stop, to have acceptance replace it. My second thing would for people to search for the 'Why' not let fear or others control what you think but let actual facts and knowledge do so.

Do research, beyond a Google search, check those facts, check the sources, look at research papers and things that have been peer reviewed. Trust those considered knowledgeable in their field but still do your own research. 
You will find society runs on conspiracy, conspiracy controls society, yet those that fear what conspiracies say, and believing that they are true are the easiest to manipulate and push to doing what is wanted of society all with just a suggestion of opinions dressed up as fact.

Good luck in everything.

~Till next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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