Entry #7

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Year Five ~ Men are always right.

Year five, second last year of the auction house, you could feel the excitement through the house. All the girls were excited. Being that only three girls were lost by a flu in year four it seems that more and more of us are proving that we are strong enough to become wives and mothers our future husbands deserve.

This year we get to be in charge of the girls in year four while watching the auction prep kids, and help teach them how to properly care for the children we were looking after. More ethics and history classes filled our days, though we didn't have books as many of us could not read as that was not a necessary skill for a wife. Though as disgusting as I found it, I did appreciate the more detailed education we received on sex this year. They couldn't have us saying no to our future husbands if he wanted something unique. We learnt everything that the Ladies could teach us.

We were told about different positions he may like; told how he may also choose to have sex on our monthly flow and how to avoid getting the bloods from our body on him or on the areas he chooses to have sex. There were no limits on what he may want, though anal was frowned on unless pregnant already as it could not result in a pregnancy.

We would occasionally have guest instructors, one particular that stood out was Paula. I wished things turned out differently for her, as she was a nice woman, but she did some bad things that landed her in the mines.

She explained how her husband enjoyed tying her up, she would struggle at times. Causing rope burns, she explained how she should have listened to him and stayed still, but it was hard as he would sometimes leave her like this for days at a time, taking her at all hours of the night and day. She was glad to provide to him when he wanted sex, she was after all able to give him one son when she was a new wife. During one of the times, she was tied he passed away. Seeing as she was in the room, she was held accountable for his death and then given to his one and only son as a wife. She went on to please her new husband for many years, till she had a Termi. Instead of being terminated herself she was sent to the mines, as she was nearing the suggested retirement age as well as being the mother to her then husband. Not everyone would be as lucky as her, as most women after having a Termi were terminated themselves, or severely punished till death came for them. She should never have moved when told not to, and she should have never given birth to a Termi. If she could do it over again, she would not have done these, so she accepted the fate that her bad decisions lead her to.

I must end this here, as I am getting tired.

Till our next meeting.


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