Entry #5

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Year Three ~ The worst

The third year was by far the worst year out of all my years at the auction house. This was the year that most of the girls in my intake year started having our monthly flow. The odd girl was still waiting for their flow to start. For this time of the month, we were given thick padded cloth that we were to place to our under garments and change them out at various times of the day to keep from soiling any of the chairs. The cramps some girls felt during their time of the month would result in them being punished as they would often complain about how they hurt. The punishment was to remind them to not complain once they obtain a husband, as the punishment would always be worse than that of the cramps.

Being that this year was filled with eighty-five hormonally charged pre-teen girls you would have thought that this would be the year that we would have lost more girls during the year. However, it was very few that were lost. Only twelve of the girls left were lost in this year.

This third year consisted of sex education every second day, with many tips on how to get pregnant, how to stay pregnant, and even how to get pregnant with multiples. On the other days it was more detailed child rearing, disciplining a child, tending to their ailments, rules that were expected they know well once they come to Auction City. Then once a month we would also have men come and view us, this was so they could eye up the wives that may be available in a few more short years.

It was during one of these visits that an older man was here looking us over. He then came back to me; he touched my breasts to examine them though they were not fully developed yet. He even looked closely at my face, this hurt a little as he grabbed my face and moved it back and forth quite forcefully. When one of the Auction Ladies came up to him, he requested, nearly demanding that he took me home that very day. Insisting that I was taught well enough to be a good wife for himself. He must have looked at my file prior to examining me to be aware of any of my teachings.

The head lady, Miss Tracy, had agreed to his request. Grabbing me by the arm she took me to processing; this was when the leader of Auction City and the auction houses happened to also be in the processing room. Miss Tracy still with my arm in her hand appeared shocked and terrified by seeing him in the room at that moment. He was told what was happening and did not agree. As it was bad to take a wife younger than sixteen and not finished the auction houses. This caused to many girls to die during child birth so it was not beneficial to have wives so young as it could risk the lives of a female that may be able to become pregnant with many male children.

Since Miss Tracy had agreed to the older man's offer, was punished severely. Many of the other Ladies of Auction were on her side but only received a warning by her punishment, especially as she was the head Lady of the auction house. They all blamed me for this punishment, as the old man was going to give them something that would benefit their lives, I never found out what though. They were not kind at all to me after this incident, this was when my daily beatings began, though they would not leave to great of a mark and nothing that would cause my death.

Thankfully, this only went on for the remainder of year three, and the next years were better.

Till our next meeting.


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