Chapter 6 - Dead Man

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Chapter 6 – Dead Man

Eric stared at the sky with a frown painted over his forehead. He was growing frustrated, not to mention, scared. Amelia hadn’t come back, and the soldiers he’d sent out to look for her had all arrived back empty-handed.

Joshua had commanded him to stay put. Eric’s arm was still healing, and it was necessary for him to rest. That didn’t mean he liked it, though. He was feeling restless, and he couldn’t sit still. Instead, he opted for pacing back and forth while screaming at any guard who sent him a suspicious look.

“Guardian Malcolm,” a guard said as he walked over to him. “Permission to speak?”

Eric frowned. He hated the formalities, something he’d learned from Joshua. At first, it hadn’t bothered him, but now it just seemed wrong. He realized the guard was still waiting for permission, and he nodded. “Speak.”

The guard held up a thin blue ribbon. “Found it near a dead oak, sir.”

Eric grabbed the ribbon out of the man’s hand. It was Amelia’s ribbon. She used to wrap it around her wrist so she’d always have something to tie in her hair. He cursed. “What else did you find?”

The guard hesitated to answer. Averting his eyes, he focused on a spot behind Eric.

“Tell me,” Eric pleaded. When there was still no answer, he lost it. Grabbing the guard by the collar, he moved closer and screamed, “Tell me!”

“T-there was signs of a struggle.” The guard gulped. “We have nothing else to report.”

“Why’d you stop looking?” Joshua’s voice came from the right. Eric glanced over, still holding the guard by the collar. “Eric, you can let go now.”

“But he—“

“Let go, Eric.” Joshua sent him a look and waited.

Eric cursed again, and then let go.

Joshua averted his eyes from him, then walked over and addressed the guard. “Why aren’t you out looking for the cause of the struggle?”

“We assumed—“

“You assumed?” Joshua’s facial expression changed. “Are you telling me that you stopped looking for Amelia—the blessed child of Yildun—who you are sworn by the Stars to protect because you assumed something?”

“It was near a cave where the fierce Star lions of this area tend to sleep,” the guard said. “We didn’t want to jeopardize our numbers by instigating a fight with the wild.”

“Give me—“

Eric didn’t finish the sentence before Joshua pulled back and punched the guard to the ground. Widening his eyes, he didn’t know how to react until he saw Joshua on top of the man, punching left and right.

“Joshua!” He ran over and pulled him away. “What in the name of Solem are you doing?”

Joshua pulled free and glanced at the groaning soldier on the ground. “You better pray she’s okay. Otherwise, you won’t be.”

“Can you give us the coordinates? We need to find her,” Eric said.


Eric tried to contain his anger—he honestly did. However, as the guard led them past the same tree for the seventh time in a row, claiming it was “near” now, he simply had enough.

There were no words known to man, which would be applicable for his need to express his frustration. He clutched Amelia’s ribbon in his hand, praying to the Stars for strength, hope and salvation. If something had happened to her, he wouldn’t forgive himself.

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