Chapter 14 - Errai

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Chapter 14 – Errai

Joshua woke up, unable to move. Without opening his eyes, he realized that for the second time in his life, he was fully restrained. To top it, his leg itched, and he could do absolutely nothing. When he finally opened his eyes, they had to adjust to the darkness. He blinked a couple of times, realizing that there was no source of light, yet he could see. Everything had a grey colorless tone to it, and on top of being a depressing sight, he knew it meant trouble.

He cursed. Solem, can’t I get a break? His eyes settled on the ropes around his torso.

He was leaning against something. No. He was bound to someone.

The rope was wrapped around him several times, and when he moved to get to his leg, he could hear a groan coming from behind him. It was Eric, who was just waking up now.

‘What is this? Where’s Eric? Where am I? Relax, Eric. Everything will be alright.’ Joshua heard Eric’s thoughts, and once again, he rolled his eyes at the constant reminder that Eric hadn’t practiced shielding his thoughts. It certainly wasn’t that hard if he just tried.

Joshua glanced around the area. They were placed in the middle of a bare field. Beneath them was nothing but the cold ground. All signs of plant life were wholly gone, and only a small gust of wind rustled his hair. But most of all, he noticed all of the grey. Every color on the greyscale was used, in this make-belief reality. This could only mean that a Black Hole was near, and an attack had occurred mere minutes ago.

For once, Joshua praised Solem that Eric was okay. He sighed in relief, causing a blond lock to fall down over his eyes, and he blew at them while swinging his head, hoping to get them to settle away from his face.

‘Joshua? Is that you?’ Eric’s voice came through his mind—it was screaming.

“Of course it’s me,” he answered with his voice. “Who else could it be?”

Eric didn’t respond to that. Instead, he asked, “Where are we?”

“It would seem that we’re being held captive by the mourning brother,” Joshua answered. “Well… the guy who passed as a mourning brother, at least. For some reason, I’m not so sure about his identity any longer.”

“Do you have any visuals of out captor?” Eric asked.

“Nope.” Joshua shook his head from side to side, even though Eric wouldn’t be able to see it. “How about you?”

“No. Everything is so… desolate,” Eric answered.

That didn’t surprise Joshua. When it came to Black Holes, nothing was kept alive. They consumed everything, and they had no conscience. Actually, the fact that Joshua and Eric was still breathing meant that either the black holes hadn’t come near them, or they needed Eric and Joshua to do something for them.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Eric asked, shaking him out of his thoughts.

Joshua sighed. “Basically, we’re screwed.”

A manic laugh came from his right, and he turned his head, surprised to see Tom—or whatever his name was—walk towards them. Where had he come from?

“You don’t have to do this, Tom,” Joshua said. “No good will ever come from teaming up with the Black Holes—I hope you know that.”

Tom kept laughing, tears welling in his eyes as he cramped and held his stomach. “I can’t believe—“he snorted—“that you fell for my horrible act.”

“Act?” Eric asked. “What do you mean?”

“Back there, with my so called ‘brother’?” he said, air quoting his words. “I was the one who killed the old fool—he was trying to sabotage our plans.”

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