Chapter 10 - A Fight Between Black and White

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Chapter 10 – A Fight Between Black and White

“J-Joshua?” Amelia stuttered. She was face to face with the Black Lion, its dark eyes staring at her, watching her every move. A sense of dread came over her, and she couldn’t stop her teeth from chattering in sheer fear.

“Just stay back,” he said. “We got this.”

She obliged, trying to find something else to catch her focus. Glancing from left to right, her eyes marched between the tree lines, hoping to find a way out of this mess. She knew it was her fault. This whole situation was her fault, and she couldn’t do a darned thing about it. She had failed to rewrite the Tome of Lyra. It had been in her hands, and she’d let it be taken away.

The lion roared, and Amelia held her breath, keeping behind Joshua and Eric. Could they slay the beast? She didn’t know. Actually, she didn’t know many things. She didn’t know how to sew, or whether or not Astron was safe. Two entirely opposite things, but together they proved her overall ignorance.

“On the count of tree,” Joshua said, interrupting her thoughts. “It’s of Black Hole material, our sword should kill it.”

Amelia widened her eyes. “Should?” she screeched. “What do you mean—“

“Not now, Amelia,” Eric barked. “We’re kinda trying to avoid death right now. Technicalities can wait.”

Not if the technicalities are the ones to kill you, she thought, but she didn’t speak. Besides, what was there to say? She’d already confirmed that she didn’t know anything. There was no reason to prove it to the guys.

It’s honestly not fair. I’m supposed to be this super special girl, and I don’t know how.

Amelia couldn’t hide the pout on her lips. And she noticed Joshua cocking an eyebrow at her—he’d seen her pout. Solem, that was going to be hard to explain later on when they were evaluating the events. Amelia crossed her arms. She was the daughter of Rigel. That particular information was one of the things she did know, and it also happened to be one of the few things that Eric and Joshua was blissfully ignorant to, as well.

She stared at the scene played out in front of her. Joshua and Eric were crouched down in front of her, preparing to attack the enemy lion. Amelia found it hard to believe that this creature could exist. It was an abomination, a disgrace to the values of a Star lion.

Star lions… Maybe they’d come to aid them. She’d loved the tales of the majestic creatures coming to help. Joshua had said a Star Lion had saved him several times. Not to mention all the times they’d protected Vega. Of course, Amelia didn’t know everything. But she knew enough to know they wouldn’t like a Black lion to invade their land. The thought gave her strength.

“Now!” Joshua yelled.

Amelia hadn’t been paying much attention to her friends. But now, she saw them dash towards the dark creature, with their star blessed swords raised. Horrified she saw the abomination open its massive jaws, and roar loudly. The sight was peculiar and terrifying at the same time—everything from the teeth, to what would have been a tongue was black like coal.

This… Creature… wasn’t supposed to exist. Amelia’s nails tore into her palms, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene. As the lion roared, Joshua stumbled and pulled Eric down with him. The beast didn’t hesitate. In an instant, it was over them, its growl muting her friends’ scream.

I have to do something, she thought. Her eyes found an okay sized rock, and she threw it. When it didn’t help, she tried to manifest a weapon. Something in her movements caught the lion’s attention, and she realized too late that it was focusing on her.

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