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"Where are you coming from Isabella? I told you to be home early." Mom's voice was stern.

"I think this is bad timing," the new kid made out.

I turned to him then, wondering why he was at my house?

"Isabella!" My mother yelled.

I jumped a bit from the sudden rise in her voice and gave her mother a sheepish smile.

"I had to tutor." I thought quickly.

"Tutor?" She folded her arms.

"Yea, you know it's not the first. Plus James begged me to help him, saying that if he failed another test then he would be kicked off the hockey team." I hate lying but there was just no way I could tell my mother about detention. I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping for her to believe my lie.

There was a long awkward pause between us, as we both stared at each other. Mom had her mouth set in a firm line, contemplating whether or not to believe her daughter.

"You should have at least called." She finally said.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I will next time."

Mom narrowed her eyes but walked away.

"And you?" I turned to the new kid, who looked ready to scramble.

"Leaving." He said, pointing over his shoulder but I stopped him. There was no way I would let him leave without understanding why he was in my house, or who he really was.

"Wait." I grabbed at his shirt sleeve, we stood there for a few awkward moments, not saying a word.

"That guy today, is he your boyfriend?" The new kid blurted out all of a sudden.

"Mason? No, he's just a really good friend, my best friend in fact." I told him with a smile.

"Good, I mean...That came out wrong. What I meant was ok, good to know." The new kid gave a nervous laugh after his statement.

"Why are you in my house?" I finally asked, a little too aggressively.

I have always hated when people assumed that Mason was my boyfriend but I most especially also hated when people thought he was no good for me. Always saying that he is nothing but a delinquent but they didn't know him as I do, it was all an act. I think.

"Oh, I just moved here, thought that I could get to know the neighbours. I mean I just moved here to Atlanta from Utha, this is more than a dream." The new kid said, rocking back and forth on his feet.

I scoffed but I couldn't help it, Atlanta was is an ok place but here in the community of Seaview. Let's just say, only the fittest can survive, this place was built on nothing but lies, greed and man that does shady things to get by.

"Oh, well, that's nice and all but just be careful. Not everyone around here is as welcoming as my mother." I make known to him and he nodded.

"I know, I'm Romaine by the way." The new kid said, a dashing smile spread across his face, which made my knees go weak.

Damn it he's hot, I glad he stopped by.

"Hot,'' I said out loud, without meaning it.

"What?'' Romaine gave an awkward laugh.

I took our little awkward moment of silence as a chance to check him out and I must admit, he was more than good looking. With a strong jawline, tanned smooth skin that was blemish-free, short brown hair, chocolate eyes and thick kissable lips.

His dark curly hair fell just below his ears, he was maybe 6′2 but I wasn't so sure but, I must say, I liked his well-toned muscles. I bet he was hiding some killer abs under his blue sweater.

"I should go before my mother have a heart attack, thinking that I'm kidnapped or lost," Romaine announced, pointing over his shoulders.

"Ok," I walked him to the short distance of the door.

"Bye," Romaine told and I nod.

''See you in school.'' I closed the door behind me and lean on it, shortly after I went up to my room to get some work done, only to remember that I had done them already at school, in detention.

I sat on my bed going over my options, College was on top of the list but with all my detention, that will definitely lessen my chances. Despite Mason telling me that it will show them that I'm adventurous, had fun in school and would bring something to the esteemed Yale. And I'll be damned if I don't get to study Biological and Biomedical Sciences.

Not to mention that if mom should ever find out I'm screwed, even though this is only my third detention, I can't let it happen again.

I got off my bed to sit around my computer desk, I booted up my Mac Pc computer and waited for it to come on. I scrawled through social media but nothing interesting was happening, just the same drunk image of Janice making out with a blue flamingo, a list of boys that smashed Charlotte, Savannah and Peyton. Also, the same old video that went viral of Kizzy eating like a pig.

Instagram and the school page were the same, I sighed, thinking that music could help. But first, a much-needed shower.

I yawned ready to curl up in bed, all dressed in my white unicorn pyjamas, ready to open my Spotify app but my phone buzzed. It was a number I didn't recognize, thinking that it must be some kid from school giving out the address for the next party, or some video of one of my schoolmates.

I opened the message and noted that it was a picture, it took a while to load but when it did it was a picture of Charlotte and Mason with the caption.

'Are you jealous now? He's sleeping over by the way.'

I signed, then rolled my eyes, I will and must not stoop to Charlotte's level but at the same time, I just couldn't resist.

'Lol, he's my friend, not my boyfriend you stupid bird brain bitch, so no need for me to be jealous. Hope you both have fun and BTW he's only using you, also please try not to give my best friend any of your nasty STDs.'

Charlotte replied immediately, at first it was an angry face then a text followed shortly.

"I don't have any STDs, it's all a lie.'

I quickly sent back a reply.

'Sure you don't sweetie, I'm sure your father's friends didn't gang bang you, I'm sure that, that store owner didn't give you the nasties for a pack of gum.'

I end the text with a kiss and a wink, plugged my earphones in and went to bed.

Follow me on Social Media @ Author Pjjordan.

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