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"I don't think I want to do this anymore." I said, watching the printer as it did its work.

"What!?" Savannah gave me a look.

"I know that this is my idea but now, I'm thinking that it's a bad idea."

Savannah rolled her eyes, ''fine,'' she said and reached over to stop the printer.

"No, wait!" I held on to her hand.

She smiled, "I thought so."

"So what secret does Charlotte have for You?" I asked Peyton, she was there to help but wasn't saying much, I knew I might be pushing my luck with her but I still wanted to know.

She sighed, "that my brother is gay--."

"Seriously?'' I asked.

Peyton laughed, "I wasn't finished, my father also helped her father to rip off a small loan company for fifteen million dollars.''

"Oh,'' I said.

"I know, Charlotte is so childish, I can't believe that I let her use something like that to hang over my head so long. Besides, if she exposed my father then it would risk exposing hers as well and not to mention her own brother, our brothers are dating but you know how they feel about having 'the perfect family? Can't let anyone know that the Golden boy is gay."

I nod, "we could use that as well.''

Peyton held up a paper, ''already on it.''

"They must not realize that it's the 21st century? My brother was already out to the family, just not his friends brother but I know that he is much happier than ever since. So Charlotte putting that out there might not even affect him, just what they have on my father." Peyton smiled.

"So, what about all that?'' I pointed at her face, cause I really wanted to know what she would do to get her face back.

Peyton exchanged a look with Savannah and they both burst out laughing, ''oh, Isabella. Do you really think I would change my face to please someone, I was only up Charlotte's ass to protect my father but not anymore, he will be Turing himself in soon. And as for my face, well.''

Unexpectedly, Peyton began to peel off her nose, the overly filled cheeks and chin.''

My eyes bulged, which caused them to laugh harder.

"We are not as stupid as we pretended to be, was only playing along with Charlotte to protect our family.'' Savannah informed, playing with Peyton's fake nose.

"I'm glad I'm actually doing this, glad that you are brave enough to step up, Isabella. Because I wouldn't have the courage to do so myself.''

I smiled, ''I still can't believe Charlotte is doing all this to appease her father.''

"That and to finally get Mason, I mean she was always jealous of you. Remember when we were friends?" Peyton said.

I nod.

"Then at the beginning of high school, Charlotte fed me all those lies, making me believe that you were the one to turn my hair green. When it was her, she stole my Stitch plush toy and blamed it on you as well. I'm sorry, Isabella."

"It's ok, she tried to get in my head as well but I just never allowed it,'' I told her.

I might have lost Mason but I did gain my father back, also an old friend and a new one.

"Done!" Savannah announced.

We hurried out of the computer lab and dash down the hallways, posting up as many flyers as possible, we stuffed some in lockers, under doors and in unsuspecting students' bags.

Best Friends With The Badboy #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now