Chitauri▫️ Chapter 14

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I calm down from my huge laughing fit when I hear fire crackling. I look up and see that the Quinjet had caught on fire. "Wooh. Good thing I got out when I did." I mumbled and laughed.

I watch as the quinjet slams into the street. I skip over to the quinjet while Nat, Clint and Steve all run out. I giggle. "Have a nice fall?" I ask while giggling. They all glare at me.

We arrive in the middle of a four-way street. Suddenly, a huge shadow looms over us. We look up to see a huge Chitauri flying out of the portal, with hundred of chitauri soldiers on it.

Chitauri soldiers jump onto buildings and clinging to them as they start firing energy rifles.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve says of the intercom, earpiece thing. "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Stark responded. "Banner?" Steve mumbled. "Y/n. Can you teleport and get him?" Nat asked me. I shook my head 'no'.

"Nope. Sorry. I can't teleport people who are, like 10 times my size. Even if he was back to normal, the teleporting would affect him and might make him go green." I explain. She nodded.

I look up and watch Tony quietly fly behind and parallel with the chitauri. The four of us on the ground run behind upside cars. We watch Loki leading part of his army down the street, firing at the street and smashing cars and hurling people.

People were running everywhere like ants running away from their stepped on ant hill. "Those people need assistance down there." Steve said as he gazed down at a bridge, where people were.

Nat pulls two pistols and begins shooting as Clint shoots arrow after arrow. I let my claws extend and my teeth grow and sharpen.

"We got this. It's good. Go!" Nat yells to Steve. "You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks Clint. "Captain," Clint starts then lets go of an arrow, letting it soar through the air. "It would be my genuine pleasure." He finishes.

Clint continues shooting arrows, giving Steve enough time to make his way to the bridge. "Just like Budapest all over again!" Nat says to Clint. "You and I remember Budapest very differently." Clint says jokingly.

I look around and turn intangible just as a soldier shoots at me. I solidify again as the soldier flies off, slightly shocked that it didn't hurt me. I smirk as I ran to the soldiers flying platform thing with inhuman speed. (No idea what it's called.)

The soldier was about 10 feet in the air and was increasing its height. I jumped in the air at the last second and landed on the soldiers mechanism thing. I looked up at the slightly shocked soldiers face and smirked, showing my sharp feline teeth.

"Hello." I greet then punch the soldier square in the face with so much strength, it fell backwards off the mechanism. "Bye!" I call to the falling soldier. I then turn and realize that no one was behind the wheel, or handles, or controls of the mechanism.

I squeak as I quickly grab the handles before I ran into a building. "Ah! Help! Cat behind the wheel! Cat behind the wheel!" I yell, catching the attention of another soldier...on another weird mechanism thing.

"Dang it." I say under my breath as I jump from my mechanism to the other mechanism. I grab the soldier's arm and drag my claws along it. It hisses in pain. Suddenly, it falls limp.

"Paralyzing claws. Love them." I say as I push it off the mechanism. "DARN IT!" I yell when I realize i have to control the thing again.

I look down and see that Steve is back from the bridge. I use my awesome brain and realize that I'm 30 feet in the air. "Ah. Screw it." I say as I jump from the mechanism, letting it hit another abandoned mechanism. I land in front of Nat, Steve and Clint, on my feet.

"Ah. It's good to be back on solid ground." I say as I casually stretch my back, accidentally revealing my stomach. When I return to standing normally I see that all the chitauri have dropped to the ground dead. "Oh come one?! It was just my stomach!" I yell in fake anger.

Thor lands on the ground. "What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks Thor. "The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor explains. "Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony said over the intercom.

"How do we do this?" Nat asks. "As a team." Steve and I said at the same time. "Jynkz. You owe me a teacup." I say.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor said ignoring what i had said. "Yeah, get in line." Hawkeye said. "I should be first. He called my a puny mortal." I said as I hit my palm with my fist.

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." Steve interrupted. Well that was rude.

Just then, Bruce arrives on a small motorbike. He looks around the city as he climbs off it. "So, this all seems horrible." Banner said. "I've seen worse." Nat said.

"Same." I said remember the fight between The queen of Hearts and Alice and her army. Her army included me, the mad hatter, the white rabbit, the card soldiers, the white queen and so on.

"Sorry." Bruce apologised. "No. We could use a little worse." Nat said. "I'm bringing the party to you." Tony said over the ear piece. We look up and see Tony fly by in his iron man suit.

The Chitauri following behind him. "I... I don't see how that's a party..." Nat mumbles. Bruce walks closer to the monster.

"Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve says nervously. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." Bruce smirks then his skin starts turning green and his body starts to swell. Hulk punches the chitauri, bringing it down instantly.

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