MACbook Pro!~ Chapter 49

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"The drive has as level six homing program so as soon as we boot up she'll know exactly where we are." Natasha explained as she worked on the laptop in the MAC store.

"How much time do we have?" Steve asked.

"About nine minutes from... now." Nat replied as she connected the drive to the laptop.

"Annnnndddd that is why I am here." I interrupt, pushing myself in between Nat and the laptop, knowing that I can move faster and think faster than she can. She merely shrugged and allowed me to work. "This drive is protected by some sort of AI, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands." Nat explains quietly, hoping no one else can over hear her.

"Can y/n override it?" Steve questioned.

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me... slightly." I giggle to myself.

"Try running a tracer."

"On it," I respond. I continue doing my work, biting my lip in the process as I concentrate, typing at the speed of light. Seriously, how has no one over heard our conversation or noticed how fast I have been working? I am literally typing faster than Usain Bolt can fun! People are idiots nowadays.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" A tall man in his early twenties approached us. He had long dirty blonde hair and a small shadow of a beard. I look at him, but multitask and continue working.

"Oh no, my fiancee was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." Nat lied.

"Right, we're getting married." Steve played along.

"And I'm the maid of honor!" I chirp, popping up behind them and wrapping my arms around the both of them. The workers eyes went straight to the top half of my outfit before he spoke, still glancing at my... hehe... shirt. Rude much. My eyes are up here bro!

"Congratulations! Where are you guys thinking about going?" He asked. Just as he asked that, the program showed me where we were tracking.

"New Jersey." I answer for them. I ignore their whole conversation as it made no difference to me whatsoever. Nat rolled her eyes and stood behind me, watching what I was doing.

"And... we, are.... Gooooooooddddddd..... To go!" I grab the drive and lead my squad out of the store.

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