Anxiety~ Chapter 70

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"You're not a match for him, Cap." Was all Clint said. I made an offer to teleport to Steve to help him out but he politely declined. He said I would be more helpful if I stayed doing what I was doing so that I could remain mindful of other things that require my assistance.

I continued to follow Cap around the city as he fought Ultron, however, I turned by attention to Natasha while she rode a motorcycle around, attempting to keep up with Steve. My attention was drawn away from the redhead at hearing Clint's voice over the intercom.

"Chess, I need a little help here."

"So do I, bills from my therapist are getting really expensive." I reply.


"On my way, Mr. President!"

Upon teleporting to Clint's jet, I found him struggling to escape the wrath of two of Ultron's bots. I remained flying behind them, out of their view as Clint spun the craft to shake them off. The moment they were detached, I teleported on top of one, the other continuing to follow Clint. With my hand being intangible, I reach into the body of the robot, turn my finger tangible again, and rip at the wiring and mechanics of it, causing it to malfunction.

Not long after, the deceased bot was replaced by one of an identical appearance. Before I could attempt to dismantle it, the two turned a full 180°, flying away towards Natasha's direction.

Clint converses with Natasha on how to retrieve the Cradle while I fly to Steve, finding him battling Ultron on a train. As Steve keeps Ultron occupied I teleport as many passengers out of the train as I can.

Just as I take the hands of the last few passengers, a blue electric streak rushes past me, and body checks ultron. For a few seconds, the blur slows down to reveal the silver haired Maximoff twin. Before I could see what happened next, I quickly teleported away, the passengers disappearing and appearing with me in a street about a block away. As they got their bearings, I released their hands and teleported back to the train.

I appear on the train again just in time to watch Ultron break open a door and fly away. I look around the train panicked, my brain unable to process the fast paced situation quick enough. I hear Steve tell Pietro to get the citizens out of the path of the rogue train, and ask Wanda if she can stop the train.
The fuzziness of my senses begins to dissipate as I hear Steve speak to me.

    "Y/n? Y/n, talk to me. Cheshire. Chess!" Steve demands. My head snaps to look in his direction, but I do not speak. Seeing my anxiety stricken expression. Cap grasps my shoulders and stares into my eyes.

"Ignore the loud noises. Ignore that there is so much happening. You can't do everything at once. Do one thing at a time. We need you to fight with us. You are no help standing here worrying about what you can do, and just do what you know how to."

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