Train▫️ Chapter 22

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I stood up straight, but kept my hand on my now scarred hip.

"Now, we have to train. The queen isn't an easy fight, certainly not any easier than Loki. And let me tell you, I didn't have fun in that fight. I mean, who trusts a cat behind the wheel?!"

"No one."

"Exactly! Like, what was that chitauri dude thinking?! He wasn't very bright."  I paused. "Anyways, we don't have a lot of time, so let's get a move on." I said.

"Are you sure you can fight in the condition your in?" Bruce asked. I waved my hand dismissively.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm healed, it's just a scar. And anyways, besides the White Queen's army, whitey, and the Hatter, I'm all you have. Whitey isn't a big fighter, and the hatter only has what's in his hat. You have to rely on me to know how to take this on." I said.

I walked over and took a sword from one of the army soldiers. "Now, lets train." I said with
my usual Cheshire Cat grin.

~Time Skip~

We were in the training

(Nooooo, we were eating cookies.)

I held a sword in front of me, as it was crossed with Natasha's. "I really don't understand why o can't use my gun." She said as I swung my sword behind my head and had it clang against hers again.

I took a step back and lunged at her again as I spoke. "Because, its wonderland. In the middle of the fight, your gun could be randomly turned in a bouquet of flowers. You need a certain metal to fight that isn't affected by the magic of our land. And that's exactly what these swords are made of." I explained. Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Miss Y/n! Miss y/n, you have to see this!" One of the white queens guards yelled as they ran into the room. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it dude? Calm yo man tits and show meh." I said. He nodded and handed me a paper. On the paper was a video. Yep, one of the perks of wonderland.

I hit the play button on the scroll, allowing the video to start.

"Hello, Cheshire." The red queen started off, venom dripping from her voice. "As you can remember, I had some of your friends join me in my kingdom."

"They haven't been of much use to me, and I'm growing impatient. I needed you to come as soon as possible, so I had this idea." She smirked, and turned out of view to reveal Tony, Clint and Steve chained and gagged.

They were bruised and bloody, with long scars on their legs and arms. I covered my mouth with my hand.

"You better come soon, Cheshire. Or they may not be alive by the time you arrive." She said, grabbing a bright red whip, and cracking it.

I threw the scroll across the room whilst screaming angrily. "Y/n?" Natasha asked. Thor picked up the scroll and watched the video. "Lady y/n, what should we do?" He asked.

I ignored him as my whole body shook with anger. "She messed with the wrong cat." I said, my voice deep and echoey.

Smiles Can Be Deceiving | Avengers x Cheshire!readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ