Invisible~ Chapter 44

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    Fury turned to me and spoke. "I knew there was a valid reason for us recruiting you." I placed my dominant hand over my heart in fake hurt. I dramatically gasp.

    "And no other reason?! You bastard!" I yell, pretending to faint, only to hit the ground in a burst of laughter. Fury sighed, closing his eyes as he attempted to get rid of the migraine that was slowly growing more painful.

He used his pointer fingers and middle fingers to rub both his temples, inwardly seething. Eventually I had stopped laughing. I brushed off some stray tears from laughing so hard, then jumped to my feet, leaning one arm on Fury's left shoulder,

    "But, anyways, you saw what happened, now could you inform me of the situation?" I ask my boss. The man is quiet for a large amount of time. Suddenly, his eye widens. He pushed me behind him, and suddenly I realized what the problem was. I could hear Steve approaching the office again. His light, yet weighty steps quickly moving across the floor in large and swift stride. I immediately turned invisible, before Steve could see me. I stay seated on the window sill, not a sight for anyone to behold, or anyone to even recognize.

    I wasn't interested in their conversation. Instead, I fidget with a small, glass teacup, careful not to drop it and make it reveal my presence. The whole time, I could tell that Steve could sense another presence in the room. My presence. But by his expression, it was obvious he did not know it was me. I mean, how could he? He may be a super soldier, but he cannot sense someone and identify them. Only those of us with strong powers and an identifying sense of smell can.

Like Me! I was broken out of my thoughts when Fury and Steve suddenly left the room. I jumped to my feet, mid air, and quickly floated behind them. I made sure to avoid hitting any passing agents or any signs hanging from the ceiling, too lazy to attempt to be intangible.

It was proving to be very difficult to not make my presence known, as me being my silly self, every time Steve glanced back, I felt the need to hide, which almost ended with me smacking into a wall, forgetting that I was not visible to the human eye. Or any eye for that matter.

Smiles Can Be Deceiving | Avengers x Cheshire!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon