Magic▫️ Chapter 17

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"Now before boarding the ride, please keep your arms, legs and every other limp to yourself. And please do not scream, it's loud enough when one of you do it." I say.

I then turn around and face the portal. "Hold on. Why didn't you just return back to wonderland whenever you wanted if you could just create the portal yourself?" Tony asked.

"Well. Being in this form," I gesture to my human body. "Drains that part of my magic. My other magic like teleporting and illusions and stuff, they are my offensive magic. Shape shifting into other forms and creating portals is my defensive magic. Being in another form drains my defensive magic so I couldn't create a portal. Luckily, the hatter had a special tea that can refresh my defensive magic." I explain.

They nodded once I finished my long explanation. "So is that what he just gave you?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Though y/n," hatter started and I turned to him. "The red queen took this certain ingredient that I put into that tea, so I have a limited amount. You have to be very careful." He told me and I nodded again.

I reopened the portal. "Hold onto your hats!" I said pushing Clint through. We listened as he screamed like a little tiny girl. Once he was so far away and we could hardly hear him, I turn to the rest.

"Okay," I paused. "Who's next?"

~Time Skip~

I finally landed at the bottom of the hole, reuniting myself with them.

"Well that was fun! Don't you agree?" I ask as I turn to the rest, only to find all of them, except The hatter, Whitey, and Thor, on the ground, groaning. "Oh get up you big babies." I said.

"Why isn't my suit working?!" Tony screamed. "Oh. I forgot to mention. This is Wonderland not Earth, so we don't have all this fancy techno stuff. wifi. Or electric power." I explained this the whole time Tony was lying on the ground crying.

"Jeez such a drama queen." I said. "Now! WHO'S READY FOR A SUPER SPECTACULAR SUPER DUPER FUN AMAZING TEA PARTY!?" I yell excitedly.


Did they just sweat drip anime style?

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