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Disclaimer: I am in NO WAY advocating suicide, nor am I suicidal. This is just a work of fiction. That is it. I promise. Please DO NOT commit suicide. If you are suicidal, please seek help. And if you are going through a dark time or are easily triggered, I would advice you not to read this. You have been warned.

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Dedicated to the beautiful soul who had to leave too soon

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She took a shallow breath of air, trying to calm herself down. Tears were streaming down her face, pressing her forehead to her knees, pulling her legs closer to herself.

It was just too much to bear. She couldn't handle it anymore. The pressure from her parents, the bullying, her overwhelming thoughts.

She just wanted it all to stop.

She got to her feet, running her fingers through her tangled hair, taking a look around her room. Her curtains were drawn, the soft rays of moonlight seeping in through the gap between the curtains. The room was dark, barely bright enough to see, the only light coming from the moon, but it was perfect for her.

She headed towards the bed in the centre of the room, fumbling for the bottle on her bedside table, her shaking hands struggling to uncap it.

It had to be done. She couldn't stop now.

She collapsed to the floor, tired, and in more ways than one. She could feel the energy draining our of her, her will to live slowly dissipating.

What was the point? She wasn't cared for. There were too many expectations placed on her shoulders and she was only a burden to everyone around her. No one cared. Why should they? She was useless.

She wasn't worth it.

Kate, stay strong. It'll get better, I promise.

Empty promises. That was all her brother's words were. He didn't understand. There was no 'getting better', not in her situation anyway.

Like she's told herself countless times before: what was the point?

Her mind wandered to the times her schoolmates made fun of her, brought her down until she was burnt to the ground. Until her heard and her soul were shattered into a million pieces, unable to be fixed. There was no putting her back together.

Years and years of bullying tore her apart bit by bit until she was turned into dust.

The Kate she once knew was no longer.

In her eyes, she was basically as good as dead.

She poured a handful of pills into her palm and put them in her mouth, forcing herself to swallow all of them dry, bawling her eyes out. She couldn't stop crying. The wound wouldn't heal. She couldn't stop the pain. The despair. The hurt.

She couldn't bear it any longer.

She wiped away the endless stream of tears with the back of her hand, but it was useless. The cheeks were stained with tears, and that way it would remain. Her emotions were a mess. She couldn't determine how she felt.

All she knew was that she was empty. Lost.


Her hands started trembling from crying too hard, from the anxiety building up in her. It was too much. It was too late.

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