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-September 13-Narrator's POV-

"A job?????"

"Yes a job. Do you know how much money the guild owes because of you group?" The old guild leader crossed his arms sitting on the ledge of the bar, his staff resting on his lap. "What? Can't we just take one of those quests??" Luna whined, "No, the only quests on the board will take months, and your debt will go higher." Luna sunk to the ground and put her face in her hands, Nash pat her head, "Where can we get a job?"

"I don't know, just make sure to pay off that debt by the end of November." Reiki placed his arm on he bar ledge, "How much is the debt?"

"2,000,000,000 Jewels."










They all groaned and cried on the ground. "Get up off the ground children. You better get a move on if you want to pay off that debt." Makarov jumped of his ledge and started pushing them out true guild hall into the streets of Magnolia.

"What job pays a lot here?" Yao asked rubbing his head, everyone tapped their chin. "I don't really know, never had a job before." Gale said putting his hands on the back of his head. They started walking around the shops and saw different "HIRING" signs. They came across 11 different stores with open spots for hiring, "Lets all take the different jobs, and try to make up the debt as fast as we can, take the night shift if you have too, go overtime-let's just pay off this debt!" Nova said and they all nodded heading into the shops.


"I didn't get hired." They all groaned and plopped down on the bench in the park, "What're we supposed to do now???" Sylvia whined, then they heard rustling. They all turned their head to their right to see a man in a dirty suit digging through the garbage, they all just shook their heads and continued the conversation. "I don't understand why they wouldn't hire us." Rosemary huffed and rested her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Didn't hire you, you say?"

Rosemary yelled to see the man's face close to her's he wore and a smug look and crossed his arms. "Yeah and what's it to you?" Reiki tsked, holding up a fist, the man flinched, then straightened his jacket, "Fine, you kids won't get the job." The man started to walk off, "Wait! What's the...pay?" Nova asked shy, twiddling her fingers, "This job pays 10,000,000 Jewels to every worker per month." They all froze, then huddled, "Wait up, that's only gonna get us about 330,000,000 Jewels." Storm sighed and turned back to the man who was tapping his foot impatiently against the ground, looking at his watch time to time.

"Sorry, but we can't take the job, it's not enough money. Good luck finding other workers." They all started to walk away, then the man ran up and pulled Valeria's wrist. "Wait wait wait, how much do you guys need? I'll pay for it! I'm the son of a rich man!" The man kneeled on the ground and pleaded like his life depended on it, "We need 2 billion jewels by the end of November." The man stopped saying "please" then looked up, "Why do you kids need 2 billion jewels?"

"We need to pay off a debt."

"What'd you to to have a debt like that?"

"And goodbye." Rin rolled his eyes and started pulling the group away, "okay okay okay okay! Fine, deal!" They all grinned, "So what's the job?"

"To kill this man." Yao, and the rest of them widened their eyes, "Im sorry, we can't do that. We're not against the law." Reiki said, "No no no, this man here is a criminal! He stole from our company! Selling our merchandise in the black market! Please believe me!" The man went on his knees again. Rosemary pulled Reiki away from the group and leveled him to her height, "What if this guy's lying to us? What if the man he wants us to kill is innocent?"

Reiki averted his gaze to the others, then back to his sister, "Okay, if the target is innocent, we'll report this guy. If not and he turns out to be the criminal he's being described to be, we'll take it from there." Rosemary nodded. They returned to group, "We'll take the job."

"What?! Are you two crazy?!" Nova shook Rosemary's shoulders, Rosemary whispered the plan into Nova's ear, Nova looked at Rosemary uncertain then nodded. "Okay, now, details. Where can we find this guy? What does he look like? Name?"

"His name is Yoo Mae Don. He's going to be making a drop off tomorrow at the wharf, from 6:00-7:00pm. He's a rough picture we got from surveillance." The man handed Nash a picture of a middle aged man in a limo running a red light.

-The next day-

All of them were waiting behind the warehouse, "We're really gonna kill this guy?" Storm pointed to the picture and Reiki, Rosemary, and Nova shook their heads quickly. "No, of course not, we'll turn Yoo Mae Don into the council, then get the money off that guy from yesterday, then turn him in too."

"What if he doesn't have the money?" Nash said concerning, "Better than working for months and not getting a paycheck out of it."

"There there." Gale snapped his fingers, and all of them peeked from the corner to see a truck followed by a limo pulling up to a dock. Four men stepped out of the limo, armed with guns, wearing tuxedos and shades on. Two men got out of the truck, opening the back, pulling out crates. "Do you guys smell that?" Valeria gagged holding her nose. "That's flying fish from Edolas. It was banned from Earthland since the plague it started. So that's what they're selling in the black market?" Gale said confused.

"Who'd wanna buy that? Dad and Happy told us it was disgusting when they tried it." Luna said waving a hand over her nose. "Okay, six armed, who wants to deal with them?" Luna's hand shot straight up, with Rosemary's, Nova's, Reiki's, Storm's, and Gale's. "Valeria, just use an enchantment, we don't want to make a big fuss and attract attention." Sylvia said, Valeria nodded and used the same spell she used when they were at Yao's camp. "Okay, get Yoo Mae Don."

They saw a terrified man shivering, he held up his hands.

-After turning him in to the police-

"It's done." Luna said grinning, seeing the man once again digging in garbage. "Where's your proof?" The man said looking up, Luna held and envelope which was supposed to be filled with pictures of a deceased Yoo Mae Don, but instead filled with baby pictures of Gale, he didn't have to know that it was him. The man reached for the envelope, Luna threw the envelope to Rin, "Nuh-uh. Pay up first." Luna held out her palm and the man placed an envelope, she opened it and saw a stack of 100 jewel bills inside.

Rin threw him the envelope, but when he took out he photos, "You're under arrest for a murder attempt." Rosemary grinned as different cops surrounded him, hand guns pointed at him, the 'son of a rich man' dropped the envelope and raised his hands in the air.


Luna gave the envelope of money to the chief, "Good thing you didn't actually take the job, or else you would have been payed a dingy." The chief emptied to contents of the envelope and on the back of each bill was the logo-Willy the Wizard's Gag Shop. Luna face palmed, "Are you kidding me?!"

"Don't worry, I recognized who he was the morning we were supposed to kill the black marketer. He's a wanted man, and he's been wanted for the past 5 years, part of crimes like the mass murder in Hargeon. So that bounty, is, 2,000,000,000 Jewels." Rosemary smiled and the chief chuckled, "Your debt in Fairy Tail is now payed off, you're free to go."


"Wait, so you knew this whole time he was wanted?" Yao asked, Rosemary nodded, "I mean, who would've been stupid enough to actually consider a man-digging-in-the-trash's job?" She scoffed and the rest of them laughed nervously.

"Yeah...who could be stupid enough to consider that?"

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