Chapter 6

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December 13,1916
Third Person

"We have enough to redo the floorboards in the house..."Quinn sighed as he shook the bag of coins."Well then let's get to work then child!Who knows when that blizzard'll be coming?"His father said taking the coins from him and heading out,his boots sinking into the snow."And take care of your mother as well.I don't know how long I'll be gone.I reckon perhaps a good while until sundown."He said turning towards him,then closing the door and heading out towards the village."Of course....Mother!"Quinn called,going up the stairs to greet his mute mother.She smiled and looked up at him from the pile of clothes she had buried herself in,and heard her stomach growl."Hm.I suppose we have some of yesterday's pie..."Quinn said rubbing his chin then went downstairs,coming back with the last two slices.He set it down in front of her and went back downstairs,returning with a wooden spoon."Do you think father'll be back before the blizzard?"Quinn asked wrapping his cloak around him tighter.His mother thought and nodded,having faith in her husband.

Quinn sighed and snuggled closer to his mother,covering them with his cloak and the clothes."You've been sewing alot...We might even have enough clothes to last next winter."Quinn said twirling a string from his mother's shawl.

2 Hours Later

Quinn and Mrs.Huntington were shivering, and Mr.Huntington hadn't returned yet.Or he won't ever cone back.Quinn's mind was being flooded with unknown words,and a image of a palace with P.M on it."What would these mean?"Quinn quietly asked himself,then snuggled into his mother's lap,her stroking his hair with a shaking hand.Quinn got up and stumbled a couple times moments later,and saw a glowing object where he had just stepped.He turned around to show his mother,but saw nothing but himself,almost blue.

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