Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 8)

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Okay sorry I promised a second one on Sunday, but my duties as a mother have called. My 3 year old has been running around non-stop since we arrived home, making my time typing awefully difficult. I feel like I'm not wording things well enough... Hmmm I don't know... but if ya'll think something is just a bit... off... Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! And thank you for the votes, and Thank you Morgant for being the only one who comments! I like to hear comments so keep it up! And I hope I keep you saying those one word comments! LOL

Enjoy gals and ghouls!

<3<3<3 bunches



Jake had just walked down stairs to start the coffee pot when he heard the back door unlatch, he took a quick sniff of the air and knew it was Kalee, but something was off.

"Hey Kay. What's going on?" Jake eyed his sister, something about her scent was off, and he could sense the tension rolling off her body.

"Morning Jake, is Madi awake?" Kalee stepped back to the threshold of the open door and left it open hoping the wind would mess up her scent. She had tried to mask it with body spray but she knew better, Jake could always tell when she was getting a bit intense with her boyfriends.

"Yeah, she'll be down in a second, why?" Jake cocked an eye brow at his sister, there was something she had to say but for some reason she need Madison to be there, what was it? And what the hell was that smell, other than Kalee bathing in her body spray like she did when she was a teenager. He could always tell when her boyfriends had been all over her, her scent would be masked with a musky, sweat smell.

"Cool when she comes down can ya'll come out here I need to talk to you two in private." Kalee quickly turned to walk away before Jake could ask any questions.

A few seconds later Madison padded quietly down the hall way towards him in the kitchen, Jake leaned down and gently kissed his wife feeling that all too familiar shock the ignited a flame for her in his heart, even after being married for so long that feeling hasn't faded. "Morning sweetheart."

"Morning honey." Madi glanced at Jake, she could tell something was up, his face was lost in thought. "What's wrong?"

"Kay wants to talk to us in private out back, are the kids still in bed?"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure we still have a good hour before they begin to stir." Madison grabbed out two mugs and pour coffee for herself and Jake. "Well lets go see what she wants, Jake. How bad can it be?" She handed him his mug and headed for the door.

"I don't know, but I don't like this feeling!" Jake mumbled has he drug his feet while following his wife outside.


Kalee and Connor were sitting at the big picinic table out back, talking quietly to each other when Kalee saw Madi and Jake walk out. She stiffened up and tension was rolling off her body in waves, Connor and Jake seemed to pick up on her stress which only made things worse. Connor put his hand on her bouncing knee under the table trying to calm her down. After a minute or two Kalee's breathing calmed down a bit and was able to think more clearly of how she was going to tell Jake what's going on.

"Morning Madi."

"Well good morning to you two! You must be Connor, I've heard so much about you." Madison reach across the table and shook his hand.

The Baynes Legacy- Book 1- Love In The MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now