Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 22)

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Connor parked his car in the back beside Kalee's car and rushed inside. He spotted Lauren in the corner seething, her eyes were locked on the swinging door that leads to the kitchen. Connor walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing here?" Connor's voice was stern and his eyes began to glow with rage.

"Having a drink, why? You wanna join me? I'm sure your little whore would just love to see you chit chatting with me over some drinks." Lauren spat out, she snarled at him slightly.

Connor heard her snarl, "Excuse me, Lauren Sharp, did you just snarl at me? Do you want me to rip your leg off? Because you know I am fully capable of doing so."

"Hmmm, you can't do it here, so unless you want all these pathetic humans to know about us, you'd have wait til you can shift among the rest of the pack." She shot him a look distaste.

"Don't think I won't command you to return to the pack's land in a heart beat! You are to LEAVE this bar and never come back. And if I hear that you are withing 6 feet of my mate I will personally KILL YOU. Do you understand me?" Connor eye shone brighter as his anger had reached it's peak, Lauren's head bowed as his force over her took over.

"I'll leave." She stood quickly and pushing her through Connor to get to the door. She turned to look back at the kitchen door on last time, snarling, then left with the door slamming behind her.

Connor sat there for a few seconds to calm himself, he knew his eyes were glowing and he didn't want to freak out any humans, at that moment Simone passed him and he reached out to stop her.

"Oh hey Connor, why aren't you in the kitchen with Kalee? She's freaking out, ya know?"

"I know, I had to take care of the riff raff you guys had floating around in here." He smiled at Simone. "Tell her I'll be there in a second I need to calm myself down."

"Okay." Simone turned and walked happily away.

Just as Simone walked through the door and told Kalee of his presence, she was busting threw the door and heading right for him. He stood taking her in his arms, trying to calm her as she broke into tears. "Come on, baby." He lead her to the back door of the bar and right to his car. He opened the passenger door and helped her sit down, then turned to get to his own door. "Are you okay?" His voice was soft, he reached over and wrapped her in his arms again.

"No." Kalee mumbled looking down, tears still staining her smooth cheeks.

"If you see her here ever again or see her period when I'm not with you I want you to call me or my father. I gave her a direct order to stay away from you, with the promise of death."

Kalee nodded and looked down in her lap, Connor started the car up to leave, "Wait, my stuff is in my car." Connor jumped out and pulled all her personal stuff out of the car, locking it back up and setting the alarm. He handed her the belongs and got back in the car. "Thank you."

"No problem, baby. Now we have another problem to deal with at home." His voice stern and strained.

"What? What's wrong? Is Ali okay?" Kalee's voice broke as she asked about her daughter.

"Someone was in your apartment. A shifter, to be exact, but not your brother, Blain, or myself."

"What are we going to do?" Kalee had turned to face Connor as he drove quickly back to the apartment.

"My father should be there and Blain is there watching guard over the apartment. I locked it and gave Blain the key. I didn't recognize the scent, nor did Blain, so the only other person I could think would know the scent would be my father." Connor looked at her trying to give her a reassuring smile, she grabbed his hand and held on to him tightly.

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