Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 17)

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Connor laid Ali down in her crib, her big blue eyes stared back at him, he was amazed how much she favored her mother. "Onnor, daddy?"

"Ali, I want to be your daddy. But we have to wait until your mommy's ready for that, okay?" The little girl smiled back at Connor and he watched her until her eyes grew heavy with sleep.

Closing the door as he left the room he turned to the kitchen to find Kalee, who took his advice and was sipping on a glass of wine at the table. "She's asleep."

"What did you tell her?"

"The truth."

She cocked her eye brow at him,"And that would be?"

"That I want to be, Kalee."

Kalee was shocked, no one had ever just came out and admitted to wanting to take that role in Ali's life, all the other guys she had ever dated always treated Ali like a third wheel in the relationship. But she had a man, who said he wanted to be her daddy, and was willing to give his entire family for me and her, she couldn't believe it, it all still felt like some sort of dream.

"I know your not ready for me to claim you, and I can wait, but I want to know we are exclusive to one another."

"I thought we were? Have you been seeing someone else?" Her eyes widened with fear, she braced herself to have her heart broken again.

"Wait, NO. It's just, if we don't find a mate within the pack by a certain age they can arrange a marriage, but if for some reason they find someone else before the marriage date they don't have to go through with it. We only ever set up this rule to keep up our numbers of children in each generation."

"So are you telling me you have an arranged marriage?"

"Yes, unfortunately, but since I found you I don't have to go through it."

"Okay, I can understand why you didn't want to tell me, but I need to know if there is anything else you are purposely not telling me, I need to know it now!"

"To stop the marriage, I have to claim you." Connor looked down, "But I don't want to take away your choice in when it happens, Kalee. I want you to want this."

Kalee shook her head then gulped down the rest of her wine, then started to pour another glassful.

"You trying to get drunk, sweetie?"

"Maybe. Why you going to take advantage of me?" She peeked over the rim of her glass as she took another big gulp.

"Sounds like fun." Connor smiled as he reached across the table grabbing her hand and pulling the rest of her body towards him. Kalee giggled as she fell into his arms, "I can't take advantage of you if your willing."

"I guess not." Connor kissed her softly wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Lets go to bed." He stood Kalee up and then began to pull her toward the bedroom, she quickly swallowed the rest of her wine and followed him without a fight.


Kalee spent the next morning running around like a nervous wreck, she was searching for the cutest dress she could find for Ali, and she had to get her black pinstripe pants pressed and find her black button up shirt. Connor sat on the couch with Ali watching cartoons, throwing Kalee the occasional glance to chuckle at her nervousness. He was pretty certain that his mother would love her, but his father, well he has always been the tough one to please.

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