Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 21)

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I know I promised 2-3 chapters today but I got caught up reading a story I found... and well I couldn't put it down. So sorry!


The next week passed with out any major events, Connor closed on the house, so Kalee spent most of her free time boxing up their items and carrying them over to the new house. On Tuesday finished moving a load of boxes and went back to the apartment to get ready for work, Ali was already spending the day with Madison and Jake. After rushing to prepare for work she rushed out the door of her apartment not thinking twice as she heard the door slam behind her.

"Hey, Kalee, in a rush?" Kalee's face was flush as she hurried threw the back door of the bar, she looked up at Simone who was refilling the station with straws and napkins, trying to keep herself busy until they started getting customers.

Once Kalee clocked in she met up with Simone, "Yeah, I got so caught up moving, I didn't realize what time it was." She brushed a few lose strands of hair from her face and smiled. "So how you feeling? Did the doctors appointment go well?"

Simone smiled lightly, "I've been getting sick a lot, most in the morning, and at the smell of meat. Blain took me to the doctor Friday, they did a ultrasound, and well there is only one baby."

Kalee let out a large sigh, "Well that's good, right?"

"Oh, yeah! Blain wanted twins but I just happy with one. Thank You." Simone smiled lightly.

"So everything with Blain is going okay, I assume?" Kalee moved around busying herself with little jobs that needed to be done before the evening rush.

"Actually, its going better than I thought it would. The more I get to know him the more I like him, so I guess it won't be so bad. Even though we are doing all this back ass-wards" Simone and Kalee laughed together.

"Well that's good though."

"Yep." Simone glanced over at the front door as the first customers began to file in. "Time to get to work."


Finishing up with a few clients, Connor put more boxes in his car to move them over to the house, Blain came over to help him load up. He was going to help carry all the furniture from Kalee's apartment over to the new house, though they hadn't decided who's furniture they were going to use yet. Blain carried on chatting about his pregnant mate, Connor could tell he had more than "like" feelings for her, he wouldn't push the subject with Blain.

"So I heard what you did to Lauren." Blain cut his eyes over to Connor as they carried boxes up the steps of new house.

"Trust me, I wanted more severe for her doing that but I knew Kalee wouldn't want that."

"Lauren has been on the rampage the past couple days."

"Tough." Connor barked out, he didn't care how Lauren felt, she had always been a thorn is his side since they were children.

"Just be careful, Connor, I've never seen her this pissed before."

"Let her defy me again or come near Kalee and Ali, I'll rip that bitch to shreds and I mean that!" Connor could feel the rage seething through him.

Blain just shook his head and went back out the car for more boxes. Once the car was unloaded, Connor knocked on Jake's door. Madison opened the door with Ali in her arms, she instantly threw her arms out to Connor, who happily took the girl in his arms.

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