Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 9)

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Kalee looked at Connor's face waiting for him to answer her, he couldn't possibly be the next in line for Alpha, could he?

"Kalee, I can't just leave my pack." Connor looked up at her, he was torn between the woman he wanted to spend his life with and his instinct to be the proctector and leader of his pack.

"Why, Connor? Are you supposed to be Alpha?" Kalee sat down at the picinic table and looked at him, pleading for a answer.

"Yes." Connor turned to look away. "I didn't want to tell you yet, I figured if we could get over the hurdle of me being a werewolf then we could move on to the smaller details."

"Smaller details? Connor, you being the leader of a pack isn't a small detail....." Kalee was cut short, she turned toward the house moving toward the faint cry of her daughter. Making her way threw the house she could hear Ali whining in her pack in play that was in the spare room.

"Good morning, sweetie."

"Mommy." Ali reached out for her mother's arms, Kalee obliged picking her up and kissing her lightly on the forehead.

"You ready to go home?" Kalee glanced out the window that over looked the back yard, Connor was sitting at the picnic table waiting. She looked back to her daughter in her arms, who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Ali nodded as response to her mother.


Connor couldn't believe how everything was working for him, it seemed just as things were looking up they went south awfully quickly. Could he expect Kalee to just accepting of his position among the pack, to just fall in line? She never grew up in a pack, she wouldn't have the first clue as to how packs really worked. How was this going to work out for the best for him? And now to top it off, Kalee was mad at him.

He heard the back door open again, Kalee was carrying Ali in her arms. Instead of stopping to finish talking she just walked by like she didn't see him, and continued into her apartment. Connor remained sitting at the table watching her front door, willing her to walk back threw it, but she never came.

After sitting there for over an hour with his head in his hand he stood and walked to his car. He felt as if his heart had just been ripped from his chest. Connor promised that he didn't want to hurt her but to make her happy and it seemed like every turn he made he was hurting her more.


Hearing a car door shut, Kalee looked out the window in time to see Connor backing out of the drive way, his face looked horrible full of pain, the sight caused Kalee's stomach to churn. Did she overreact? What if he was born to be the next one, was it his fault? Just like him being a werewolf wasn't something he could help either. Kalee became more and more confused, she needed to talk to someone, but who? None of her friends knew of Jake's special circumstances, only Madison knew and well they were a bit busy at the moment. She finally admitted defeat and plopped on the couch putting her head in her hands. Kalee glanced toward her daughter, who was playing blissfully in the little fenced in area, "Oh Ali, Mommy doesn't know what to do." The blue eyed baby turned to her and just smiled, causing Kalee to feel warm inside, but something was still missing.

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